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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               4.   Evans,  J.R.,  &  Olson,  D.L.  (2002).  Statistics,  data   3.   Rosenthal,  J.  S.  (2006).  A  first  look  at  rigorous
                   analysis and   decision  modeling  (2   ed.).  Prentice   probability theory (2  ed.). Singapore: World Scientific
                   Hall.                                           Publishing Company.
                                                               4.   Wade, W. (2017). An introduction to analysis. (4  ed.).
                                                                   England: Pearson.

               Statistical  hypotheses,  binomial  test,  runs  test,  sign  test,   SIT3002   INTRODUCTION   TO   MULTIVARIATE
               contingency  tables,  median  test,  chi-square  Goodness  of   ANALYSIS
               Fit test, median test, some methods based on ranks.
                                                               The use/application of multivariate analysis. Managing and
               Assessment:                                     handling multivariate  data.  Matrix  theory.  Random  vectors
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                and  matrices.  Multivariate  normal  distribution.  Wishart
               Final Examination:           60%                distribution and Hotellings distribution. Selected topics from
                                                               graphical  methods,  regression  analysis,  correlation,
               Medium of Instruction:                          principal components, factor analysis, discriminant analysis
               English                                         and clustering methods.

               Soft Skills:                                    Assessment:
               CS2, CTPS2, EM2                                 Continuous Assessment:       40%
                                                               Final Examination:           60%
               1.   W. W. Daniel. (1990). Applied nonparametric statistics   Medium of Instruction:
                   (2  ed.). PWS-Kent.                         English
               2.   J.  D.Gibbons.  (1985).  Nonparametric  methods  for
                   quantitative  analysis.  Columbus:  American  Science   Soft Skills:
                   Press.                                      CS2, CTPS3
               3.   W.  J.  Conover.  (1980).  Practical  nonparametric
                   statistics. Wiley.                          References:
               4.     M.  Kraska-Miller.  (2014).  Nonparametric  statistics  for   1.   Johnson,  K.  A.,  &  Wichern,  D.  W.  (2002).  Applied
                   social  and  behavioral sciences. CRC  Press  Taylor  &   multivariate analysis (5  ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
                   Francis Group.                                  Prentice-Hall International.
                                                               2.   Chatfield, C., & Collins, A. J. (1980). An introduction to
                                                                   multivariate analysis. Chapman & Hall.
               SIT3001   INTRODUCTION    TO    PROBABILITY     3.   Anderson, T. A. (1984), An introduction to multivariate
                        THEORY                                     statistical analysis (2  ed.). New York: John Wiley.

               An introduction to concepts and fundamentals of measure
               theory  essential  for  a  rigorous  approach  to  the  basics  of   SIT3003   COMPUTER  INTENSIVE  METHODS  IN
               probability.                                             STATISTICS

               Sequences and series of functions and sets, convergence,   Computer  generation  of  uniform  and  non-uniform  random
               limit infimum and limit supremum.               variables.  Monte  Carlo  evaluation  of  integrals.  Bootstrap
                                                               and  jackknife  methods.  Variance  reduction  techniques.
               Rings  and  algebras  of  sets,  construction  of  a  measure.   Expectation-Maximization  algorithm.  Markov  Chain  Monte
               Measurable  functions  and  their  properties,  Egorov's   Carlo methods.
               theorem,  convergence  in  measure.  Lebesgue  integral,  its
               elementary  properties,  integral  and  sequences,  Fubini   Assessment:
               theorem.                                        Continuous Assessment:       40%
                                                               Final Examination:           60%
               Probability  space  and  measure.  Random  variables.   Medium of Instruction:
               Independence.  Sums  of  random  variables.  Borel-Cantelli   English
               Lemma.  Convergence  in  distribution,  in  probability  and
               almost surely; Weak and Strong Laws of Large Numbers,   Soft Skills:
               Central  Limit  Theorem.  Law  of  Iterated  Logarithm.   CS3, CTPS3
               Generating  functions:  characteristic  functions,  moment
               generating functions.                           References:
                                                                1.   Ross,  S.  M.  (2002).  Simulation  (3   ed.).  Academic
               Assessment:                                         Press.
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                 2.   Roberts,  C.P.,  &  Casella,  G.  (1999).  Monte  Carlo
               Final Examination:           60%                    statistical methods. Springer.
                                                                3.   Dagpunar,  J. S.  (2007).  Simulation  and Monte  Carlo.
               Medium of Instruction:                              Wiley.
               English                                          4.   Gentle,  J.  E.,  Härdle,  W.  K.,  &  Mori,  Y.  (2012)
                                                                   Handbook  of  computational  statistics:  Concepts  and
               Soft Skills:                                        Methods. Springer.
               CS3, CTPS3

               References:                                     SIT3004   APPLIED STOCHASTIC PROCESSES
               1.   Billingsley,  P.  (1995).  Probability  and  measure  (3
                   ed.). New York: John Wiley.                 Time  reversible  Markov  chains.  Poisson  processes.
               2.   Durrett,  R.  (2010).  Probability:  Theory  and  examples   Continuous-time  Markov  chains  and  birth  and  death
                   (4  ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.   processes.  Brownian  motion.  Application  to  real-world
                                                               phenomena, such as in finance.

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