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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               Assessment:                                     collinearity. Introduction to logistic regression and Poisson
               Continuous Assessment:       40%                regression:   maximum   likelihood   estimates   of   the
               Final Examination:           60%                parameters,  lack  of  fit  test,  tests  based  on  deviance  and
               Medium of Instruction:                          Assessment:
               English                                         Continuous Assessment:       40%
                                                               Final Examination:           60%
               Soft Skills:
               CS3, CTPS3                                      Medium of Instruction:
               1.   Ross,  S.  M.  (2003).  An  introduction  to  probability   Soft Skills:
                   models (8  ed.). Academic press.            CS2, CTPS2
               2.   Kao,  E.  P.  C.  (1997.)  An  introduction  to  stochastic
                   processes. Duxbury Press.                   References:
               3.   Ross,  S.  M.  (1996).  Stochastic  processes  (2   ed.).   1.   S. Weisberg (2005). Applied linear regression (3  ed.).
                   John Wiley.                                     Wiley.
               4.   Durrett, R. (2012). Essentials of stochastic processes   2.   A. Agresti  (2013).  Categorical  data  analysis  (3   ed.).
                   (2  ed.). Springer.                             Wiley.
                                                               3.   P.  McCullagh,  &  J.  A.  Nelder.  (1989).  Generalized
                                                                   linear models (2  ed.). Chapman& Hall.
               SIT3005   TIME SERIES AND FORECASTING METHODS     4.   R. H. Myers. (1990). Classical and modern regression
                                                                   with applications (2  ed.). Duxbury/Thompson.
               Introduction to time series: data, properties, examples.   5.   R.  R.  Hocking.  (2013).  Method  and  applications  of
                                                                   linear models: Regression and the analysis of variance
               Introduction to forecasting:  Forecasting methods, errors in   (3  ed.). Wiley.
               forecasting,  choosing  a  forecasting  techniques,  qualitative
               and quantitative forecasting techniques.        SIT3007   DATA ANALYSIS II

               Time  series  regression:    Modelling  trend,  detecting   Introduction to different kind of data; Generalizing the linear
               autocorrelation,  type  of  seasonal  variation,  modelling   regression  models  including  nonlinear  regression  model,
               seasonal  variation,  growth  curve  models,  handling  first-  Linear  regression  in  time  series  data,  logistic  regression
               order autocorrelation                           and  Poisson  regression  models  for  categorical  response
                                                               data and selected topics
               Averaging methods:   Moving  average,  Simple  exponential
               smoothing,  tracking  signals,  Holt’s  method,  Holt-Winters   Practical survey sampling: Selected case study, design of
               Methods, damped trend exponential method.       study,  questionnaires,  collecting  data,  data  analysis,  oral
                                                               and written presentation
               Box-Jenkins  Methods:  Stationary  data  and  non-stationary   Statistical  consulting:  Theoretical  and  practical  aspects  of
               data,  difference,  autocorrelation  function  and  partial   statistical consulting, Communication skill
               autocorrelation functions, non-seasonal modeling (ARIMA),   Report writing
               diagnostic checking, forecasting.
               ARCH and GARCH models.                          Assessment:
                                                               Continuous Assessment:       50%
               Assessment:                                     Final Examination:           50%
               Continuous Assessment:       40%
               Final Examination:           60%                Medium of Instruction:
               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                         Soft Skills:
                                                               CS4, CTPS3, TS5
               Soft Skills:
               CS3, CTPS3                                      References:
                                                               1.   S-Plus  2000  guide  to  statistics  (Vols.  1-2).  Mathsoft
               References:                                         corporation.
               1.  Hyndman,  R.J.,  &  Athanasopoulus,  G.  (2014).   2.   Cramer,  D.  (2003).  Advanced  quantitative  data
                   Forecasting:  principles  and  practice.  Retrieved  from   analysis. Open University Press.
                           3.   Evans,  J.R.,  &  Olson,  D.L.  (2007).  Statistics,  data
               2.  Makridakis,  S.,  Wheelwright,  S.C.,  &  Hyndman,  R.J.   analysis, and decision modeling. Prentice Hall
                   (1998). Forecasting methods and applications. Wiley.   4.   Miller,  D.C.,  &  Salkind,  J.  (1983).  Handbook  of
               3.  Montgomery,  D.  C.,  Jennings,  C.  L.,  &  Kulahci,  M.   research  design  and  social  measurements.  Sage
                   (2008).  Introduction  to  time  series  analysis  and   Publication.
                   forecasting. Wiley.                         5.   Derr,  J.  (2000).  Statistical  consulting:  A  guide  to
               4.  Brockwell, P.J., & Davis, R. A. (2002). Introduction to   effective communication. Pacific Grove: Duxbury.
                   time series analysis and forecasting (2  ed.). Springer.   6.   Jarman, Kristin H. (2013). Art of data analysis: How to
               5.  Box,  G.E.P.,  Jenkins,  G.W.,  &  Reinsel,  G.  (1994).   Answer  almost  any  question  using  basic  statistics.
                   Time series analysis, forecasting and control (3  ed.).   John Wiley & Sons
                   Prentice Hall.

                                                               SIT3008   INTRODUCTION TO SURVEY SAMPLING
               SIT3006   FURTHER   TOPICS   IN   REGRESSION
                        ANALYSIS                               Techniques  of  statistical  sampling  with  applications  in  the
                                                               analysis  of  sample  survey  data.  Topics  include  simple
               Multiple Linear Regression Model: Simultaneous Inference,   random sampling, stratified sampling, systematic sampling,
               criteria for selecting model, influence diagnostics and multi-

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