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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               Medium of instruction:                         Assessment Methods:
               English                                        Continuous assessment:    30%
                                                              Final examination:      70%
               Soft skills:
               CT1 – 3, TS1                                   Medium of instruction:
               1. D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, F.J. Holler & S.R Crouch,      Soft skills:
                  Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 9  ed.,,     CT1 – 3
                  Thomson, Brooks/ Cole, 2014.
               2. Francis, R. and A. Roussac, Chemical Analysis-Modern   References:
                 Instrumental  Methods  and  Techniques,  2   ed.,  John   1. Owen  R.  Fennema  (Penterjemah  Soleha  Ishak),  Kimia
                 Wiley & Sons, 2010.                           makanan Jilid I dan II, Dewan bahasa Pustaka, 1993
               3. G. D. Christian, Analytical Chemistry, 7  ed, 2014 John   2. Bloomfield, Chemistry and living organism John Wiley &
                 Wiley & Son.                                  Sons 1996
               4.  D.C. Harris, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 9  ed.,
                 WH Freeman, 2015.
                                                              SID2006 MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY

               SID2004  BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY                  Introduction  and  basic  principles  of  medicinal  chemistry;
                                                              categories of drugs and basis of drug action: drug-receptor
               Carbohydrates: mono-, oligo-, polysaccharides – structure,   model; drug design and development; drug and pro-drug
               classification  and  nomenclature;  carbohydrates  as   metabolism; pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
               resource   for   industry   and   energy   (hydrolysis,
               fermentation).                                 Assessment Methods:
                                                              Continuous assessment:    30%
               Lipids: fatty acids, acylglycerols – structure and reactions;   Final examination:      70%
               lipids  as  resource  for  industry  and  energy  (biodiesel,
               surfactants).                                  Medium of instruction:
               Proteins: amino acids, peptides, and proteins – structure,
               synthesis and degradation analysis.            Soft skills:
                                                              CT1 – 3
               Nucleic Acids: DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis. PCR,
               principles  of  bio-/gene-technology  and  forensic  DNA   References:
               analysis.                                      1. Graham L. Patrick. (2013). An Introduction to Medicinal
                                                               Chemistry.  5   Edition.  Oxford  University  Press,  New
               Assessment Methods:                             York.
               Continuous assessment:    30%                  2. Wilson  and  Gisvold.  (2010).  Textbook  of  Organic
               Final examination:      70%                     Medicinal  and  Pharmaceutical  Chemistry.  12   Edition.
                                                               J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia.
               Medium of instruction:                         3. Alex  Gringauz,  Introduction  to  Medicinal  Chemistry,
               English                                         Wiley-VCH, New York,1997.
                                                              4. David  A.W.  (2012).  Foye’s  Principles  of  Medicinal
               Soft skills:                                    Chemistry. 7  Edition. LWW.
               CT1 – 3

               References:                                    SID2007  PETROCHEMISTRY
               1.  Bruice, P.Y. (2007). Organic Chemistry. 5  Edition,
                  Pearson.                                    Introduction  and  production  of  petrochemicals  based  on
               2.  Stoker,  H.  S.  (2010).  General,  Organic  and  Biological    gaseous  feedstocks  using  inorganic-based  catalysts:
                 Chemistry. 5th Ed. Brooks/Cole. 5  Ed.       ethane, ethene, ethyne, propene and butadiene, methane,
               3. Lindhorst,  T.  K.  (2006).  Essentials  of  Carbohydrate   hydrogen,  carbon  monoxide,  methanol,  formaldehyde,
                 Chemistry and Biochemistry. 3  Ed.  Wiley.   acetic acid, ammonia, urea.
               4. Gunstone,  F.D.,  Harwood,  J.L.,  Dijkstra,  A.J.  (2007).
                 The Lipid Handbook, 3  Ed. CRC Press.        Production  of  petrochemicals  based  on  liquid  feedstocks
               5. Zanariah  Abdullah,  Noorsaadah  Abd.  Rahman  dan   using inorganic-based catalysts: benzene, toluene, xylene
                 Kamaliah   Mahmood   (2001).   Biomolekul   Suatu   and other  petrochemicals/feedstocks.
                 Pengenalan. Penerbit Universiti Malaya.
               6. Ulber,  R.,  Sell,  D.  &  Hirth,  T.  (2011)  Renewable  Raw   Assessment Methods:
                 Materials - New Feeedstocks for the Chemical Industry,   Continuous assessment:    30%
                 Wiley                                        Final examination:      70%
               7. ISBN  978-3-527-32548-1.Othmer,  Encyclopaedia  of
                 Chemical Technology, 4  ed.                  Medium of instruction:

               SID2005  FOOD CHEMISTRY                        Soft skills:
                                                              CT1 – 3
               Introduction  to  food  chemistry.    Role  of  water  in  food.
               Important  components  in  food:  carbohydrates,  amino   References:
               acids,  lipids,  proteins;  chemical  transformations  of  food   1. D.  L.  Burdick, W.  L.  Leffler.  (2010).  Petrochemicals  in
               during   storage,   transportation,   processing,   and   Nontechnical   Language.4    Edition.   PennWell
               preparation.  Food metabolism.                  Publishing Company.
                                                              2. B. K.  Bhaskararao.  (2007).  A  Text  on  Petrochemicals.
                                                               Khanna Publishers.
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