Page 209 - buku panduan 20192020
P. 209
Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020
Assessment Methods: Examination : 60%
Continuous assessment : 40%
Examination : 60% Medium of Instruction:
Medium of Instruction:
English Soft Skills:
CS2, CT2, TS1, LL1
Soft Skills:
CS3, CT3, LS2, LL2, EM2 References:
1. Bell, F.G. (2007). Engineering Geology. Second Edition.
References: Elsevier.
1. Bell, F.G. (2007). Engineering Geology. Second Edition. 2. Price, D.G. (2009). Engineering Geology. Principles and
Elsevier. Practice Springer.
2. Price, D.G. (2009). Engineering Geology. Principles and 3. Beavis, F.C. (1985): Engineering Geology. Blackwell
Practice. Springer. Scientific Publications. 231p.
3. Brady, B.M.G. & Brown, E.T. (2007): Rock Mechanics 4. Brady, B.M.G. & Brown, E.T. (2007): Rock Mechanics
for Underground Mining (3rd Ed). Springler. 571p. for Underground Mining (3nd Ed). Springler. 571p.
4. Lambe, T.W. & Whitman, R.V. (2008): Soil Mechanics. 5. Lambe, T.W. & Whitman, R.V. (2008): Soil Mechanics.
Wiley Eastern Pte. Ltd. 535 p. Wiley Eastern Pte. Ltd. 535 p.
5. Beavis, F.C. (1985): Engineering Geology. Blackwell
Scientific Publications. 231p. SII2002 APPLIED GEOLOGICAL FIELD COURSE
SIG2014 KARST GEOMORPHOLOGY AND Geological field mapping including recognition of rock types
CONSERVATIONS and structure. Data and sample collection including dip and
strike measurement and fossil. Introduction to the different
Karst characteristics from scientific and management geophysical, hydrological and environmental
perspective. Karst geomorphology and lithological control instrumentations and field procedures. Field operation,
that gives karst landscape its specific characteristics analysis and mitigations.
including the global distribution. Issues pertaining karst area
such as sinkholes and rockfalls, and engineering problems Assessment Method:
associated with karst are emphasized. Geochemistry of Continuous assessment: 100%
karst waters are studied in conjunction with environmental
issues. Karst landscape and deposit are used to examine for Medium of Instruction:
the evidence of environmental and climatic change. Case English
studies are used throughout the course and emphasis is
placed on the challenges faced by people living in karst Soft Skills:
areas and conservation value of karst landscapes. CS4, CT4, TS3, LL3, KK1, EM2, LS2
Assessment Methods: References:
Continuous assessment : 40% 1. Lisle, R.J., Brabham, P. and Barnes, J.W. (2011). Basic
Examination : 60% Geological Mapping, 5th Edition. John Wiley & Sons
2. Barnes, J. (1991): Basic Geological Mapping. Geol. Soc.
Medium of Instruction: London Handbook Series. 118p.
English 3. McClay,K. (1994) : Mapping of Geological Structures.
Geol. Soc. London Handbook Series. 161p
Soft Skills: 4. Lattman, L.H. & Ray, R.G. (1965): Aerial Photographs In
CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM2 Field Geology, Hott, Rinehart & Winston, N. York. 221p.
1. Ford, D.C. & White, W.B. (2007). Karst Hydrogeology
and Geomorphology. John Wiley & Sons; Rev. Ed The course introduces soil as engineering material. It
edition. includes brief introduction on soil formation and its physical
2. Goldscheider, N. and Drew, D. (2007). Methods in characteristics. Also includes identification, classification and
Karst Hydrogeology (IAH International Contributions to description of soil for engineering purposes. Application of
Hydrogeology) Taylor & Francis Ltd; 1 . edition. mechanics on soil such as phase relationship, compaction,
3. White, W.B. (1988). Geomorphology and Hydrology of permeability and seepage, stresses and effective stresses
Karst Terrains. Oxford University Press. are also covered.
4. Fairchild I. J and Baker A. (2012). Speleothem
Science: From process to past environments. John Assessment Weightage:
Wiley & Sons Continuous Assessment : 40%
Final examination : 60%
Engineering geological characterization of earth materials English
and masses. Unified soil classification system. Practical
demon-strations on soil classification. Compaction and Transferable Skills:
consolidation of soil. Shear strength of soil and rock and CS7, CT3, TS5, LL3, KK1, EM2, LS2
their methods of determinations. Structural discontinuity
planes and weathering of rock masses. Tunnelling Index. References:
Geomechanics classification of rock masses. Methods of 1. R. F. Craig, ‘Soil Mechanics’ , E & FN Spon, 1997.
site and subsurface investigations. Interpretation of borehole 2. B. M. Das, ‘Principles of Geotechnical Engineering’,
logs. PWS,1998.
3. R. D. Holtz & W. D. Kovacs, ‘Introduction to
Assessment Methods: Geotechnical Engineering’, Prentice Hall, 1981.
Continuous assessment : 40%