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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               Laboratory  and  field    methods   in    geohydology    including    1.   Sheriff,  R.E.  and  Geldart,  L.P.  (1995).  Exploration
               the    aspects    of    quality,  quantity    and    modelling    of    Seismology. (2nd. Ed.). Cambridge University Press.
               subsurface    water  will    be    introduced.  Selected  local   2.   Telford,  W.M.,  Geldart,  L.P.  and  Sheriff,  R.E.  (1990).
               geohydrological case study will be  carried out. Discussion   Applied  Geophysics  (2nd.Ed.)  Cambridge  University
               on  sampling  procedures  and  course assessment.   Press.
                                                               3.   Robinson  and  Coruh  (1988).  Basic  Exploration
               Assessment Methods:                                Geophysics. John Wiley and Son
               Continuous assessment   : 40%
               Examination           : 60%                     SII3008     SPECIAL TOPICS IN APPLIED GEOLOGY

               Medium of Instruction:                          A  suitable  topic  in  applied  geology  needs  to  be  selected
               English                                         under supervision of a lecturer. Research on that topic has
                                                               to  be  completed  in  1  semester.  The  findings  have  to  be
               Soft Skills:                                    presented orally and a complete report has to be submitted.
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, LS2, EM2
                                                               Assessment Methods:
               References:                                     Continuous assessment   : 100%
               1.   Fetter, C.W. (1994).  Applied  Hydrogeology, Prentice
                   Hall, New Jersey.                           Medium of Instruction:
               2.   Todd,  D.K.  and  Mays  L.W.,  (2005).  Groundwater   English
                   Hydrology.(3rd Edition).  John Wliey & Sons, New York
               3.   Domenico, P.A. & Schwartz, F.W. (1990). Physical and    Soft Skills:
                   Chemical  Hydrogeology.  John  Wliey  &  Sons,   CS3, CT3, LL2, LS2, EM2
               SII3006   ENGINEERING GEOLOGY II                Journals and internet

               Description,  classification  and  characteristics  of  rock
               material,  rock  mass  and  aggregates.  Methods  of
               engineering  geological  site  investigation.  Geological  terrain
               mapping  and  analysis.  Site  investigations  for  various
               engineering structures/works.

               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous assessment   : 40%
               Examination           : 60%

               Medium of Instruction:

               Soft Skills:
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, LS2, EM2

               1.   Bell F.G. (2007) Engineering Geology. Second Edition,
                   London, Elsevier, 581 p.
               2.   Johnson  R.B.  &  de  Graff  J.V.  (1988)  Principles  of
                   Engineering Geology. John Wiley & Sons.
               3.   Smith,  M.R.  &  Collis,  L.  (eds.)  (2001).  Aggregates.
                   Sand,  gravel  and  crushed  rock  aggregates  for
                   construction  purposes.  3   Edition.  Geological  Society
                   of London Engineering Geology Special Publication 17,
                   340 p.
               4.   Blyth, F.G.H. & de Freitas, M.H. (1984). A Geology for
                   Engineers. 7  Edition, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 348 p.


               Theory  of  seismic  reflection.  Data  acquisition  and
               processing  of  reflection  seismic.  Problems  in  data
               acquisition  and  reduction.    Basic  of  borehole  geophysics.
               Application in exploration.

               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous assessment   : 40%
               Examination           : 60%

               Medium of Instruction:

               Soft Skills:
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM2, LS2
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