Page 12 - 01_2021 PULSE@FASS e-Bulletin
P. 12
PP Issue no. 1 | 2021
Postgraduate highlights:
hidayat ullah khan
1. How did you choose FASS as the desired place of
problem of getting more
I received a national scholarship for my Postgraduate studies
accurate data, COVID-
in 2018. I reached out to some friends and shared my
19 added new
research ideas with scholars in different universities and
difficulties in that the travel restrictions halted many of my
different countries including Malaysia. I later applied to the
scheduled personal interviews. Although it is a difficult
Australian National University and the University of Malaya
journey, but it continues to be a great learning experience.
and was accepted into both, but I preferred the University of
Malaya because of its ranking which is the outcome of the
3. What is interesting about the area?
research potential of this institution. Moreover, it was the
expertise of the faculty members of the Department of East
Asian Studies that fascinated me. As my area of research is Among BRI’s six economic corridors, one is aimed at
the foreign policy of China, the department of East Asian connecting Western Xinjiang province of China with
Studies provides a very good platform to equip oneself with Gwadar port in Southern Pakistan via the “China-Pakistan
China studies. This strength of the department is boosted Economic Corridor” (CPEC). What is interesting here is that
by the dedication of its academic staff. My supervisors, the Gwadar port is in Baluchistan province of Pakistan, the
Associate Professor Dr Nasrudin Akhir and Dr Geetha province I come from. So being a Pakistani national, a
Govindasamy, are known for their expertise and great resident of province Baluchistan and a student of politics
understanding of the subject and have been my pillars of and international relations, I felt that this economic
strength. engagement between China and Pakistan needs to be
explored. The CPEC is a project worth 62 billion US Dollars.
2. We would like to know more about your PhD This is a huge amount of investment mainly allocated to four
research. How would you summarize your work? major sectors such as Energy, Infrastructure building,
transport (Railway) and Gwadar port. It is commonly believed
that the Chinese investment in Pakistan will help to build
I am working on the foreign policy of China. More
much- needed infrastructure, create jobs, overcome energy
specifically, my research is on the Belt and Road Initiative
crises and bring economic prosperity, but at what cost for
(BRI). In the 21st century, the BRI is the only mega initiative of
Pakistan? Given Pakistan’s weak economic performance,
its nature. BRI is a much-debated subject among the scholars
there are certain questions related to this engagement. So,
and policy makers these days. The subject is mainly
the study is an attempt to explore whether this is really a win-
interpreted from a geopolitical perspective in available
win situation, or just a win for China. The study, therefore,
literature. In my work, I am employing the political economy
would provide a research-based insight to policy makers in
approach. The study is carried out through qualitative
methods wherein unstructured interviews are conducted
with academicians, politicians and think tanks. I argue that
4. What has been the highlight of your PhD journey
the primary drivers of the BRI are domestic political-
so far?
economic issues. This point contrasts with the narrative in
existing literature wherein geopolitics is considered as a
main driver behind the initiative. So, in my study, I argue that I have learnt and am learning a lot of new things and gaining
geopolitics is a consequence and not a main driver of BRI. new experiences. This journey has changed my
understanding about global politics. The academic
The PhD research is a very challenging task. In my work, the environment in UM is great, with regular seminars and
primary challenge I faced was in accessing information conferences which provide a good opportunity for students
related to BRI. The information related to this subject matter from different regions and cultures to interact and share
is limited to very few people and it was a very challenging ideas with each other. The element of cultural diversity in UM
task to get access to it. When I was already facing the is a great source of learning new things.
12 | Pulse @ FASS