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P. 16

Issue no. 2 | 2021


    I   graduated   from   the   Department   of   Chinese   Studies,
    Universiti  Malaya  in  2001.  I  then  followed  the  path  of  an
    educator and became a secondary school teacher.

    I   have   always   believed   that   my   time   studying   in   the
    department   provided   me   with   the   most   valuable
    experience   of   my   life.   The   Department   of   Chinese
    Studies   is   not   only   the   oldest   Chinese   Department   in
    Malaysia but is rich with plenty of academic resources.    My first year at the University in 1998
   The Unforgettable

   Memories of a FASSian

     More  importantly,  the  relationships  we  forged  between  grades  and  pointed  out  important  aspects  of  academic
     students  and  lecturers,  and  with  other  students  as  well,  learning   that   I   should   be   aware   of.   I   would   not   have
     remain a special memory for me.                          obtained my honours degree without her guidance.

     My  bond  with  the  department  was  forged  even  before  I  Also,   there   was   Dr.   Fan.   She   took   care   of   both   our
     enrolled   myself   into   the   university.   In   secondary  academic   studies   and   well-being.   Students   like   me
     education,   a   Chinese   language   teacher   who   inspired  would  often  come  to  her  office  for  tea  and  even  went  to
     my  passion  for  the  Chinese  language  was  an  alumna  of  her   house   for   dinner.   One   time   before   midnight,   she
     the   FASS’s   Department   of   Chinese   Studies.   Also,   my  drove   us   from   her   house   to   Prof.   Datuk   Dr   Lim   Chooi
     Form  Six  Chinese  language  teacher  was  a  student  of  Dr  Kwa’s   house   for   durians.   Dr   Seng   Yan   Chuan   was
     Fan Pik Wah, who would later encourage me to apply to    another   lecturer   who   often   worried   about   students   not
     the department.                                          being   able   to   fulfil   our   basic   needs.   I   vividly   remember
                                                              how   she   allowed   me   to   tutor   her   children   to   ease   my
     Today,   I   long   for   the   days   as   a   student   of   the  financial burden while I was studying.
     Department   of   Chinese   Studies.   One   of   the   main
     reasons   is   the   enthusiastic   laoshi   in   the   department.  Apart   from   the   hectic   class   schedules,   we   also
     Their   doors   were   always   open   and   they   would   always  participated   in   a   great   variety   of   activities.   The
     be   there   when   you   needed   them.   I   admired   Dr   Cheng  department  offered  many  academic  and  non-academic
     Geik Nai the most as she paid extra attention to my      programs for us. We held academic seminars with the
    “I long for the days as a student of the Department

      of Chinese Studies. One of the main reasons is the

     enthusiastic laoshi in the department. Their doors

     were always open and they would always be there

                                when you needed them. ”

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