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P. 19

Issue no. 2 | 2021

    for   them   for   a   convention.   She   took   the   opportunity   to  women   and   about   Orang   Asli   issues   on   the   whole.   This
    gather  a  group  of  mothers  and  women  to  weave  and  sew  sparked   a   continuous   group   meeting   which   raised   a
    these  bags   from   mengkuang   leaves.   As   a   result   of   weeks  consciousness  about  women’s  rights  and  about  issues  on
    spent   together,   a   powerful   bond   was   created   and   Tijah  women’s empowerment.
    took  this  opportunity  to  enquire  about  their  familial  issues
    and spoke about household economy.                        They  were  encouraged  by  Tijah  to  get  the  support  of  their
                                                              husbands   and   children   as   most   of   the   men-folk   were   not
    The   group   which   comprises   Kaum   Ibu   (a   group   of  supportive.  This  strategy  worked  and  their  meetings  were
    mothers)   helped   each   other   in   need   by   collecting   food  soon not only made up of Kaum Ibu but also supported by
    and   sharing   with   families   in   need.   The   Kaum   Ibu   were  their husbands, and their meetings spread to other nearby
    then   brought   for   a   specific   women’s   workshop   which  villages.   They   felt   that   awareness   and   empowerment   at
    gave them the opportunity to talk about their issues as   the grassroots must be the core of their perjuangan. So, in

     The lyrics of one of the songs goes like this, “if we see the forest,
    tears will fall as we witness the destruction of the forest through

                burning blaze which makes it completely barren”.

     1995  the  SPNS  (New  Life  One  Heart  Group)  collective  was
     established   to   strengthen   their   linkages   to   other   states
     and communities like Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Selangor.

     Tijah   does   not   believe   in   registering   the   collective,   as   her
     idea   of   leadership,   is   that   the   grassroot   movement   has   to
     be   decentralized   and   is   the   responsibility   of   each   and
     every   one   affected   by   the   issue.   Everyone   needs   to
     empower    themselves   and   not   be   attached   to   or
     dependent   on   powerful   groups   as   most   often   than   not
     they   are   victims   and   marginalized.   Thus,   the   creation   of
     Jaringan   Kampung   Orang   Asli   Semenanjung   Malaysia
     (JKOASM)  which  is  a  grassroot  movement  that  advocates
     for  Orang  Asli  rights  emerged  through  an  organic  process
                                                              Dendi Johari (JKOASM kelantan) reciting a poem entitled ‘Tanah
     from Tijah’s consciousness, helping her bring change and
                                                              Semangat’ at Malam Kebudayaan Persidangan Tanah Orang Asli
     empowerment to her community.
                                                              ke-11 event
     We   were   glad   to   be   given   the   opportunity   to   interview
     Tijah  Yak  Chopil,  and  to  know  that  Orang  Asli  women  like
     Tijah   play   a   significant   role   and   are   a   catalyst   in   the
     JKOASM   Orang   Asli   grassroot   movement.   To   learn   this
     and to hear her speak inspires us. This brings us hope that
     there   will   be   more   awareness   and   recognition   of   Orang
     Asli   rights   and   greater   advocacy   to   protect   their
     livelihoods.   This   research   has   given   us   an   opportunity   to
     be   part   of   the   Orang   Asli   community   which   is   mostly
     marginalized   and   at   the   periphery   of   society   or
     discussions   on   public   policy.   This   research   also   is   an
     opportunity   to   hear   their   stories,   their   plights,   hopes   and
     dreams.  It  is  a  learning  and  humbling  experience  in  every  Yusri (activist JKOASM from Pahang) sing a song for appreciation
                                                              towards nature and ancestral heritage

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