Page 186 - FASS Undergraduate Prospectus 2023-2024
P. 186

Sarjana Muda Sastera Pengajian India
                                          Jabatan Pengajian India

                                     Bachelor of Arts Indian Studies
                                      Department of Indian Studies

               The  Department  of  Indian  Studies  (DIS)  as  one  of  the  oldest  departments  with  65  years  of  history  has  long  been  focused  its
         dedication  on  teaching  and  learning  activities,  publications,  research,  consultancy,  and  services  to  the  community  and  nation-

         building since its inception in 1956 under the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. In its
         development, DIS has recorded a strong and well- established achievement in the field of knowledge development and contribution

         towards the formation of knowledgeable Malaysian society in line with the aspirations of the University Malaya and the Ministry of

         Higher Education, Malaysia, especially to meet the needs that exists in the field of Indian Studies. Along the way of development, DIS
         has accepted and adapted various changes in line with the needs of National Education Transformation, as well. This includes the
         inclusion  of  21st  Century-based  Learning  and  Teaching  methods  through  futuristic  learning  spaces  to  create  immersive  learning

         based on experience, as well. The courses that are offered at DIS are designed to open opportunities for undergraduates to pursue

         suitable careers in both the public and private sectors. These include the government agencies such as the Ministry of Information,
         Ministry of Communications and Multimedia, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture and Community

         (State  and  Federal),  Ministry  of  Foreign  Affairs,  Ministry  of  Youth  and  Sports,  Ministry  of  Education,  Ministry  of  Agriculture,  and
         others. The main strength of the Bachelor of Literature of Indian Studies programme lies in the expertise and heritage of knowledge

         homed  in  the  fields  of  Tamilology  and  Indology.  The  heritage  of  knowledge  in  various  fields  offered  in  DIS  emphasizes  on  the
         mastery of aspects of Literature across the past to contemporary, Media and application of Tamil in the context of current needs

         (Tamilology Field that taught in Tamil); In addition, DIS also provides opportunities for students to equip with knowledge on socio-
         cultural and socio-economic aspects of the Indian community and the development plus the achievement of Indians in the political,

         economic, administrative, and Indian religion (thought in Bahasa Malaysia & English (Indology) domains. Furthermore, current Indian
         Studies courses have been revised and designed to provide in-depth knowledge on the aspects related to Tamilology and Indology.

         For that, the courses have also been updated in view of exposing the students to have and use the learned knowledge in the current

         context, especially in the form of critical and creative end-products that meets the needs of digital humanity, as well. The strategic
         position of DIS within the Faculty of Arts also offer opportunities to students to receive knowledge across disciplines that can be used
         in the context of the multi-racial society in Malaysia, resulting for exploration for Tamilology and Indology in a wide range. The

         history  of  DIS  development  together  with  its  experienced  lecturers  in  academic  field  are  ready  to  provide  academic  services  to

         students in driving and empowering knowledge related to Tamilology and Indology, which still have ample of spaces to explore in
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