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        Dr. Kumarashwaran Vadevelu                            The establishment of the Department of Social
        BSc, MoSW, PhD (USM)                                  Administration and Justice, Faculty of Arts and Social
                                                              Sciences, University of Malaya was approved in 1987,
        Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:                         and the first session began on March 29, 1993. The
        Medical Social Work, Marginal Population,             ultimate goal of the Social Administration Program is to
        Mental Health Social Work                             produce graduates in the field of human services, who are
                                                              professional, ethical, committed, and contribute to the
        Dr. Siti Munirah Mohd Faizal Lim                      development and wellbeing of the nation.
        BA, MoPA, PhD (UM)
                                                              The Department of Social Administration and Justice
        Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:                         has successfully produced  alumni who  are  currently
        Advocacy, Ageing, Civil Society Organisations         working  as  Medical  Social  Work  Officer,  Welfare  Officer,
                                                              Administrative and Diplomatic Officer, Police Officer,
        Dr. Mohd Norbayusri Baharudin                         Immigration Officer, Educators, Banker and other areas of
        PhD  (UniSZA),  MoC  (USIM),  BoPM  (Hons)            human services.

        Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
        Correctional   and    Prisoner   Studies,
        Rehabilitation and Treatment of Offenders,
        Community Corrections


                                                      TAHUN 1 / YEAR 1

                                          Semester 1                                  Semester 2
         Component        Kod               Kursus             Kredit  Kod               Kursus             Kredit
                          Code              Course             Credit  Code              Course             Credit
                                  Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban
                                 Appreciation of Ethics and Civilizations     Falsafah dan Isu Semasa
                                                                 2   GIG1012                                 2
                                 Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi                     Philosophy and Current Issues
         Kursus Universiti  GLT1049  Malay Language Communication
         University Courses
                                                                              Bahasa Inggeris Komunikasi /
                                 Ko-kurikulum                    2            Bahasa Asing I                 2
                                 Co-curriculum                                English Communication Course /
                                                                              Foreign Language I
         Kursus Teras                                                         Pembinaan Komuniti, Tindakan
         Fakulti                                                     AIX1005  Sosial dan Inovasi             2
         Faculty Core                                                         Community Building, Social Action and
         Courses                                                              Innovation
                                                                              Pengenalan Pengurusan Perkhidmatan
                                 Dinamika Sosial                              Manusia
                         AIJ1001                                 3   AIJ1004                                 3
                                 Social Dynamics                              Introduction to Management of Human
         Kursus Teras
         Program         AIJ1002  Sistem Kebajikan               3   AIJ1006  Prinsip Kerja Sosial           3
         Program Core            Welfare System                               Principle of Social Work
         Courses                 Asas Tingkah Laku Manusia
                         AIJ1003                                 3
                                 Basic of Human Behaviour            AIJ1007  Kemahiran Interpersonal        3
                                 Pengantar Masalah Sosial                     Interpersonal Skill
                         AIJ1005                                 3
                                 Introduction to Social Problem
         Kursus Elektif
         Universiti (SHE)  Kursus Peningkatan Atribut Pelajar 1  2   Kursus Peningkatan Atribut Pelajar 2    2
         University Elective   Student Attribute Improvement Course 1  Student Attribute Improvement Course 2
         Courses (SHE)
         Jumlah Kredit                                          18                                           17
         Total Credit
   145   146   147   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155