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         Code         Course                        Synopsis

          AIX1001     Pengantar Sains Sosial dan    Kursus ini  mendedahkan  kepada  pelajar  asas  pemahaman  kepada  kepelbagaian
                      Kemanusiaan                   bidang ilmu sains sosial dan kemanusiaan. Ia memfokuskan kepada falsafah ilmu
                                                    sains sosial dan kemanusiaan serta sumbangannya kepada kemajuan ketamadunan
                      Introduction to Social Sciences and   manusia,  bagaimana  ilmu  tersebut  melahirkan  idea  bagi  menangani  persekitaran
                      Humanities                    global  dan  semasa  yang  mencabar dan  pendekatan-pendekatan  yang digunakan
                                                    untuk menjelaskan situasi realiti sosial masa kini.

                                                    This course introduces to students the basic understanding of the diverse disciplines
                                                    of social sciences and humanities. It focuses on the philosophy of the social sciences
                                                    and humanities as well as its contribution to the development of human civilization,
                                                    how the social sciences and humanities are able to resolve the global and current
                                                    challenging as well as approaches used to describe the social realityof the present
          AIX1005     Pembinaan Komuniti, Tindakan Sosial   Kursus ini memperkenalkan pelajar konsep service learning (khidmat belajar). Pelajar
                      dan Inovasi                   juga akan didedahkan kepada isu professionalisme dan etika menjalankan khidmat
                                                    belajar bersama komuniti. Pelajar perlu merancang dan menjalankan program dalam
                      Community Building, Social Action and   kumpulan kecil.
                                                    Pelajar  perlu  membuat  jurnal  refleksi  untuk  merekodkan  transformasi  dalam  diri
                                                    sendiri  sebelum,  semasa  dan  selepas  menjalani  program jalinan  masyarakat
                                                    disamping membuat laporan dan pembentangan/pameran berdasarkan pengalaman
                                                    khidmat belajar

                                                    This course introduces students to the concept of service learning. Students will also
                                                    be exposed to the issues of professionalism and ethics of service learning working
                                                    with  communities.  Students  need  to plan and  implement  community  engagement
                                                    programs in teams.

                                                    Students are also required to create a reflection journal to record selftransformation
                                                    before, during and after the community engagement program as well as a report and
                                                    presentation/exhibition based on their service learning experience.

          AIX2001     Metodologi Penyelidikan Sains Sosial   Kursus ini memberi pendedahan kepada pelajar mengenai kepentingan penulisan,
                      dan Kemanusiaan               pemikiran dan kaedah penyelidikan yang sistematik dalam pengajian sains sosial dan
                                                    kemanusiaan.Pelajar akan mampu memahami rasional dan perkaitan permasalahan
                      Research Methodology for Social   sains  sosial  dan  kemanusiaan  melalui  penerokaan  kaedah  yang  sesuai.  Bagi
                      Sciences and Humanities       mencapai  matlamat  ini,  pelajar  didedahkan  dengan  pengetahuan  dan  kemahiran
                                                    mengenai pendekatan dan teknik pengumpulan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif yang
                                                    terdapat dalam bidang pengajian Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan.
                                                    This course gives students exposure to the importance of systematic writing, thinking
                                                    and research methodology in the field of social sciences and humanities. Students
                                                    will be able to understand the rationale and relationship in the issues of social science
                                                    through the exploration of appropriate methods. To achieve this goal, students are
                                                    exposed to knowledge and skills about quantitative and qualitative approaches and
                                                    techniques in data gathering, available in the field of social science and humanities.
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