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               Rules & Regulations

               The rules and regulations that binds all the academic programme offered are being constantly
               updated from time to time. Students are advised to refer to the University of Malaya Rules &

               Regulations 2019 in the University website under the Student Portal (MyUM) for details and
               latest updates pertaining to their programme of study.

               Doctor of Philosophy: University of Malaya Rules & Regulations (Doctoral Degree) 2019
               Master of Sport Science: University of Malaya Rules & Regulations (Master’s Degree) 2019

               Authority of the Universiti Malaya Senate

               The Senate has the authority to make, repeal or amend any regulations governing the Degree
               programme  of  study  as  provided under these Regulations. Any new regulations,  repeal or
               amendment to the  said regulations  shall be announced to the candidate before the
               commencement of the candidate’s academic session.

               Compliance to the Universities and University Colleges Act 1971, the Constitution
               of University of Malaya, Statutes, Rules and Regulations of the University

               Every candidate is subject to the Universities and University Colleges Act 1971, the Constitution
               of  the  University  of  Malaya,  other  statute,  rules  and  regulations  currently  applicable  in  the
               University including the University of Malaya (Discipline of Students) Rules 1999.

               Failed and Terminated from Programme of Study

               A candidate is termed as failed and terminated from the programme of study if:

               (a) the candidate’s Progress Report is unsatisfactory for two (2) consecutive semesters;

               (b) fails in his Candidature Defence presentation twice (2);

               (c) fails in the dissertation’s examination and viva voce (if any); or

               (d) fails to fulfil the conditions and graduation requirements of the programme of study within
               the specified maximum duration.

               Any candidate may also be terminated from the programme of study if:

               (a) the candidate was found to plagiarise his dissertation or research report as stipulated under
               the University of Malaya (Discipline of Students) Rules 1999;

               (b) the candidate was found to have given false information pertaining to his admission to the
               University or committed any academic dishonesty other than that stipulated in the University of
               Malaya (Discipline of Students) Rules 1999; or

               (c) failure to renew his candidature for two (2) consecutive semesters.

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