Page 68 - E-BOOK_konvokesyen_Universiti_Malaya_2019
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Pengarah Pengasas (Founding Director) Director of the Institute of Ocean and Earth
Institut Sains Samudera dan Bumi (IOES) dan Sciences (IOES) and headed it for 15 years.
mengetuainya selama 15 tahun. Di bawah Under her leadership, the IOES attained the
pimpinan beliau, IOES mencapai status Pusat coveted status of Higher Institution Centre of
Kecemerlangan Pendidikan Tinggi (HICoE) yang Excellence (HICoE) awarded by the Malaysian
diiktiraf oleh Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Ministry of Higher Education. She coordinated
Malaysia. Beliau juga menyelaras penubuhan the establishment of the IOES Bachok Marine
Stesen Penyelidikan Marin IOES Bachok, di Research Station, in the northeastern state
Bachok, Kelantan, yang menghadap Laut China of Kelantan overlooking the South China Sea,
Selatan. Stesen ini berfungsi sebagai pusat which serves as the centre for international
penyelidikan kerjasama antarabangsa dalam collaborative research in air-ocean-land
interaksi dan proses udara-lautan-darat, dan interactions and processes, with partners from
berkolaborasi dengan kumpulan penyelidik dari the universities of Cambridge, East Anglia,
Cambridge University, University of East Anglia, Academia Sinica Taiwan and First Institute
Academia Sinica Taiwan dan First Institute of Oceanography, China. The Bachok Marine
of Oceanography, China. Stesen Penyelidikan Research Station was awarded the Regional
Marin Bachok telah dianugerahkan status Global Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) Centre status
Atmospheric Watch Centre (GAW) oleh World by the World Meteorological Organisation on 13
Meteorological Organisation pada 13 Jun 2016. June 2016. In December 2017, the First Institute
Pada bulan Disember 2017, Pusat Bersama of Oceanography, China – University of Malaya
Sains dan Teknologi Marin, First Institute of (FIO-UM) Joint Centre of Marine Science and
Oceanography-Universiti Malaya (FIO-UM) telah Technology, at Bachok, was officially launched
dilancarkan secara rasminya oleh Timbalan by the Deputy Minister of the State Oceanic
Menteri Pentadbiran Kelautan Negara (SOA) Administration (SOA), China and the Deputy
China dan Timbalan Menteri MOSTI. Pusat Minister of MOSTI. This Joint Centre supports
Bersama ini menyokong kerjasama penyelidikan the research collaboration between the FIO
antara FIO dan IOES, serta kerjasama dengan and IOES, as well as collaborations with other
institusi China yang lain. Profesor Phang adalah Chinese institutions. She is an Adjunct Professor
Profesor Adjung di International Medical of the International Medical University, Sunway
University, Sunway University dan Pemeriksa University and External Examiner for the
Luar bagi Sarjana Muda Sains dalam Program Bachelor of Science in Marine Biotechnology
Bioteknologi Marin, Xiamen University Malaysia. Programme, Xiamen University Malaysia.
In terms of contribution to the community
Dari segi sumbangan kepada komuniti pakar
of phycologists, especially in the systematics and
fikologi, terutamanya dalam alga sistematik dan
phylogenetics of algae, the most far-reaching
filogenetik, pencapaian tertinggi Profesor Phang
and visionary achievement of Professor
adalah penubuhan “Konsortium Taksonomi
Phang is the establishment of the “Consortium
Rumpai Laut Asia Tenggara” (SEASTax). SEASTax
of Southeast Asian Seaweed Taxonomy”
menjalankan bengkel latihan taksonomi rumpai
(SEASTax), which conducts triannual seaweed
laut setiap tiga tahun sekali, di mana pakar
taxonomy training workshops, where senior
taksonomi rumpai laut bertindak sebagai
seaweed taxonomists mentor and teach young
mentor kepada ahli taksonomi muda. Objektif
taxonomists. SEASTax has the objective of
SEASTax adalah untuk memupuk generasi muda
nurturing the next generation of seaweed
pakar taksonomi rumpai laut bagi memelihara
taxonomists for conserving marine biodiversity
kepelbagaian biodiversiti dan fungsi ekosistem
and ecosystem services. Seaweeds have great
marin. Rumpai laut mempunyai kepentingan
ecological and economic importance, and
ekologi dan potensi ekonomi yang tinggi.
urgently needs protection against biodiversity
Justeru, rumpai laut memerlukan perlindungan
losses. To assist in the sustainable management
terhadap ancaman biodiversiti. Bagi membantu
pengurusan yang mampan bagi sumber ini,
kompilasi inventori komprehensif perlu