Page 70 - E-BOOK_konvokesyen_Universiti_Malaya_2019
P. 70

untuk bioremediasi efluen kilang minyak sawit,   explaining their dominance in the wastewater.
        sisa organik yang paling banyak dan sukar   For her PhD research, the focus shifted to
        untuk diuruskan. Pada tahun 1985, Profesor   using the microalgae for bioremediation of
        Phang diperkenalkan kepada keajaiban dan    palm oil mill effluent, the most abundant and
        keunikan rumpai laut, ketika menghadiri     difficult organic waste to be managed. In 1985,
        Bengkel Latihan Commonwealth Science        Professor Phang was introduced to the wonder
        Council (CSC) mengenai Sebatian Bioaktif dari   and beauty of the seaweeds, while attending a
        Organisma Marin di James Cook University,   Commonwealth Science Council (CSC) Training
        Australia. Kajian menarik terhadap rumpai laut   Workshop on Bioactive Compounds from
        di Great Barrier Reef telah mendorong  Profesor   Marine Organisms at James Cook University,
        Phang untuk mendokumentasikan rumpai        Australia.  The seaweed collection trips at
        laut di rantau ini.  Pada waktu  itu, maklumat   the Great Barrier Reef convinced Professor
        mengenai rumpai laut di Malaysia dan kawasan   Phang to return to Malaysia and document the
        sekitarnya amat kurang.  Sejak itu, Profesor   seaweeds of the region. There was almost no
        Phang telah menghasilkan penerbitan tentang   information on the seaweeds in Malaysia and
        pelbagai aspek alga tropika, terutamanya yang   the surrounding region, except for scattered
        berkaitan dengan potensi sebagai sumber     reports on the economic utilisation of some
        biokimia, biofuel, bioelektrik, serta sebagai agen   species.  She has since published on many
        bioremediasi air sisa. Sebagai seorang guru,   aspects of the tropical algae, especially with
        pendidik dan Profesor di Institut Sains Biologi,   regards to their potential as sources of valuable
        Profesor Phang  mengajar kursus dalam bidang   biochemicals, biofuel, bioelectricity, as well as
        Fikologi dan Bioteknologi Alga dan seterusnya   for bioremediation.  As a teacher, educator and
        mengembangkan bidang ini. Beliau terlibat   Professor in the Institute of Biological Sciences,
        secara langsung dengan pembangunan dua      Professor Phang developed and taught courses
        program pascasiswazah, Sarjana Bioteknologi   in Phycology and Algae Biotechnology.  She
        dan Sarjana Teknologi (Pengurusan Alam      was involved directly with the development of
        Sekitar), di mana beliau bertindak sebagai   two postgraduate programmes, the Master of
        penyelaras program  selama beberapa tahun.  Biotechnology and the Master of Technology
            Pengiktirafan terhadap sumbang bakti    (Environmental Management), which she also
        Profesor Phang terbukti melalui beberapa    coordinated for many years.
        anugerah yang telah diterima oleh beliau        Recognition of Professor Phang’s
        seperti, International Foundation of Science/  contribution are seen in the numerous awards
                                                    bestowed upon her, including the International
        King BAUDOUIN Award (1993); Anugerah
        Naib Canselor Pencapaian Sepanjang Hayat    Foundation for Science/King BAUDOUIN
        (Penerbitan), Universiti Malaya (2008);  Top   Award (1993); the Vice-Chancellor’s Life-Time
        Research Scientist Award, Akademi Sains     Achievement Award (Publications), University of
        Malaysia (2012), Newton Prize Malaysia, UK   Malaya (2008); Top Research Scientist Malaysia,
        Government Department for Business, Energy   Academy of Science Malaysia (2012); Newton
                                                    Prize Malaysia, UK Government Department for
        and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), United Kingdom
                                                    Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS),
        (2017) dan Anugerah Penyelidik Cemerlang
                                                    United Kingdom (2017) and the Outstanding
        (Universiti Malaya) (2017).
            Profesor Phang merupakan anak bongsu    Researcher Award (Distinguished Researcher),
        daripada tiga orang adik-beradik  yang terdiri   University of Malaya (2017).
        daripada pendidik dan penjawat awam yang        The youngest of three children in a family
        berdedikasi.  Bapa beliau seorang guru besar   brought up by a disciplinarian headmaster for
        dan ibu beliau seorang jururawat yang sentiasa   a father and a dedicated nurse for a mother,
        patuh berbakti. Mereka menjadi teladan      Professor Phang grew into a disciplined but
        kepada Profesor Phang, yang kemudiannya     caring mentor for the young students put
        mengembangkan dirinya sebagai mentor yang   under her charge.  The 96 postgraduates that
        amat berdisiplin tinggi tetapi sangat penyayang

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