Page 26 - AEI Insights 2020 - Vol. 6, Issue 1
P. 26

AEI Insights, Vol 6, Issue 1, 2020

               vs. womb-like continental landmass of Afro-Asia; Erective and explosive vs. reflective and
               implosive;  an  Omnipresent  (ever  seafaring  and  trading)  extroverted  male  vs.  humble,
               handcrafting, waiting female. Masculine, phallusoid, progressively erected temporal linearity
               vs.  periodic  menstrual  leakages  of  femininity  in  regressive  cycles  of  stagnation.  Clearly,
               anything beyond that was deemed inconsequential.
               Physical,  material,  ideological,  active,  polarizing,  determined  vs.  metaphysical,  spiritual,
               esoteric,  atmospheric,  inclusive,  holistic.  No  wonder  that  all  operationalized  ideologies
               originated solely in Europe. What else, since no one ever, but Asians revealed any significant
               religion to the world.  Ideology penetrates, religion embraces.

               AgitProp – Non-stop

               Gradually, the imperial civilizing mission (Expansion is a path to Security) got a new form,
               often under the watchful care of ‘Five Eyes’. It became a moral duty – R2P (Responsibility to
               Protect), as much as the parental duty is to raise their infant child. The handsome, masculine
               and  strong  Western  Prince  Charming  has  one  duty  –  to  emancipate  his  Eastern  Sleeping
               Beauty. Giving a ‘kiss’ meant projecting the western physical military presence, Christianity
               and commerce.  Who was/is the Eastern Sleeping Beauty?
               Rudyard Kipling’s famous 1899 poem, The White’s Man Burden offers some answers while
               describing the Eastern peoples as ‘half-devil and half-child’. “The blame of those ye better /
               The hate of those ye guard” – Kipling warns and instructs, he describes and invites. In his
               classic novel of 1847, Tancred – The New Crusade, much celebrated British Prime Minister
               Benjamin Disraeli claims “A Saxon race, protected by an insular position, has stamped its
               diligent and methodic character of the century. And when a superior race, with a superior idea
               to Work and Order, advances, its state will be progressive…All is race!”  Quite an intellectual
               acrobatics for Disraeli himself, who was neither Saxonic nor Christian.

               Over  the  period,  western  Catholic  missionaries  constituted  one  of  the  most  powerful  and
               influential  lobbying  voices  for  this  civilizing  mission.  It  was  of  course  weaponisation  of
               religion, a notorious misuse for ideological purposes. Same like today, fanatics then and there,
               were identified, manipulated and further radicalised, to say ’inspired’. In that time Europe, they
               would have usually got hired as the AGITPROP – an Ideological police by the predatory elites
               which hid behind the Feudal European states.

               Naturally, the justifications were looked upon in any Biblical narrative. E.g. the re-invoking
               the Genesis story of Noah’s three sons, and interpreting it as the ‘duty’ of Japheth (Europe) to

               9  To this end: Inventive, proactive, scientific, rational, disciplined, sell-controlled/self-constraining, sane, sensible,
               practical, ‘mind-oriented’, independent, and most of all paternal West. The East, of course, was on the opposite
               side and inferior: imitative, passive, superstitious, lazy, irrational, spontaneous, insane, emotional, exotic, body-
               oriented,  dependent,  and  above  all,  child-like.  Tall,  matured  ‘masculinity’  vs.  immature  and  physically
               underdeveloped ‘femininity’. The masculine phallus of military, industry, technology, shipping and trade that is
               welcomed, if not heartedly invited, to tap and drill the womb-like dwell of resources, while at the same time
               seeding the ideological semen of ‘civilization’.
               10  To this very day, most of the so-called Multinational/Cross-continental Trade Pacts are closer to the capitulation
               agreements (like those that Britain imposed on China after the Opium Wars) than to any fair, balanced and
               mutually beneficial commercial accords. Their stipulations are regularly kept away from public eyes. When was
               the last time you have seen one of them publicly available? No wonder, what a popular language of today calls
               barriers to trade are in fact the remaining socio-economic sovereign rights and other rarefied checks-and-balance
               instruments of nation’s well-being that these Trade Pacts are derogating. “By hook or by crook” – as the Dutch
               East India Company formulated it in its XVII century business model moto.
               11  The novel itself is named after the Norman leader of the First European Crusades, that later became the Prince
               of Galilee, and regent of the satellite Europe’s state on the territory of today’s Syria and Turkey – Antioch.

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