Page 34 - AEI Insights 2020 - Vol. 6, Issue 1
P. 34
AEI Insights, Vol 6, Issue 1, 2020
German Biology Book of 1942 (Biology for the Middle School, For 5th Grade Girls; chapter:
The Laws of Nature and Humanity)
We have established that all creatures, plants as well as animals, are in a constant battle for
survival. Plants crowd into the area they need to grow. Every plant that fails to secure enough
room and light must necessarily die. Every animal that does not secure sufficient territory and
guard it against other predators, or lacks the necessary strength and speed or caution and
cleverness will fall prey to its enemies… The battle for existence is hard and unforgiving but
is the only way to maintain life. This struggle eliminates everything that is unfit for life and
selects everything that is able to survive. Mankind, too, is subject to these natural laws, and has
won its dominant position through struggle. Our Führer tells us:
He who wants to live must fight, and he who does not want to fight in this world of perpetual
struggle does not deserve to live!” (Mein Kampf, p. 317)
Each life form strives to ensure the survival of its species… The number of offspring must be
greater than the number of the parents if the species is to survive (law of the larger number of
offspring). Each species strives to conquer new territory. Here, too, we can recall the Führer’s
words: The goal of female education must be to prepare them for motherhood. (Mein Kampf,
p. 460)
These natural laws are incontrovertible; Those who resist them will be wiped out. Biology
not only tells us about animals and plants, but also shows us the laws we must follow in our
lives, and steels our wills to live and fight according to these laws. The meaning of all life is
struggle. Woe to him who sins against this law. Our Führer reminds us: The world does not
exist for cowardly nations. (Mein Kampf, p. 105)