Page 76 - AEI Insights 2020 - Vol. 6, Issue 1
P. 76

AEI Insights, Vol 6, Issue 1, 2020

               cooperative jurisdictions, and respond to new threats as identified by the UN Security Council
               and the G20.

               Green Customs Initiative
               The initiative was launched in 2004 to enhance the capacity of customs and other relevant
               border control officers. The partnership that comprises international organizations, monitors
               and  facilitates  legal  trade  activities  and  aims  to  investigate  and  prevent  illegal  trade  in
               environmentally  sensitive  products,  considering  trade  related  conventions  and  multilateral
               environmental agreements.

               The initiative has the following partners:

               −  Basel  Convention  (Basel  Convention  on  the  Transboundary  Movements  of  Hazardous
                   Wastes and their Disposal);
               −  OzonAction;
               −  Cartagena Protocol (Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (Secretariat of the Convention on
                   Biological Diversity);
               −  Rotterdam Convention (Prior Informed Consent (PIC)
               −  Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and pesticides in International Trade);
               −  CITES  (Convention  on  International  Trade  in  Endangered  Species  of  Wild  Fauna  and
               −  Stockholm Convention (Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs));
               −  INTERPOL;
               −  UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme);
               −  Minamata Convention (Minamata Convention on Mercury)
               −  UNODC (United Nations Office on Drug and Crime);
               −  OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition for Chemical Weapons);
               −  WCOOMD (World Customs Organization)

               Supporting legislations, agreements

               UN Transnational Environmental Crime - Division of Environmental Law and Conventions

               •  Montevideo Program IV - UNEP/GC/25/INF/15
               The Montevideo Program is aiming to increase linkages between environmental law and other
               areas, most of all the three pillars of UN (peace and security, human rights and development).
               It  assists  the  international  community  to  highlight  gaps  and  challenges  and  provides  a
               comprehensive framework for the development of legal principles and obligations in the field
               of the environment. These are the illegal trade in wildlife, environmental crime, marine litter
               and micro plastics, and lead in paint and batteries, amongst others.

               13   FATF (2019): Mandate  (accessed on
               14  UN Environment (2019): The Green Customs Initiative; (accessed on 30.09.2019)

               16  UN Environment (2019): The Montevideo IV Programme;
               rights-and-governance/what-we-do/promoting-environmental-rule-law-2 (accessed on 01.11.2019)

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