Page 72 - Buku Panduan Jabatan Bahasa Melayu
P. 72

                                                                                           COURSE PRO FORMA

                                                                              Versi Bahasa Malaysia                               Versi Bahasa Inggeris
                                                                                 Malay Version                                       English Version

       Sinopsis Kandungan Kursus                           Kursus  ini  akan  membincangkan  konsep  sinematografi  dan  perfileman   This  course  will  discuss  the  concept  of  cinematography  and  film
       Synopsis of Course Contents                         secara meluas dan penghasilan karya-karya berbahasa Melayu. Kursus ini   widely  and  production  of  works  in  Malay.  This  course  prepares
                                                           menyediakan pelajar untuk  memasuki bidang penerbitan dan karya-karya   students  to  enter  the  field  of  competitive  publishing  and  creative
                                                           kreatif  yang  berdaya  saing  seperti  radio,  televisyen,  dan  media  baharu.   works  such  as  radio,  television,  and  new  media.  This  course
                                                           Kursus ini menekankan asas kepada bidang sinematografi dan perfileman   emphasizes on the areas of cinematography and film making such
                                                           seperti  asas  sinematografi,  penyediaan  skrip,  pembinaan  produksi,   as cinematography, script preparation, production production, film
                                                           penghasilan  filem  atau  drama  pendek,  dan  promosi,  publisiti  serta   or short film production, and promotion, publicity and marketing of
                                                           pemasaran filem atau drama pendek. Penekanan diberikan kepada industri   short  films  or  plays.  Emphasis  on  the  creative  industry  and  the
                                                           kreatif dan kefahaman tentang produksi.                 understanding of production.

       Pemberatan Penilaian*                               Penilaian Berterusan: 60%                               Continuous Assessment: 60%
       Assessment Weightage*                               Peperiksaan Akhir:  40%                                 Final Exam: 40%

       Kaedah Maklum Balas Tentang Prestasi                Markah  Penilaian  Berterusan  akan  dimaklumkan  kepada  pelajar  sebelum  Continuous Assessment Scores will be notified to students before the
       Methodologies for Feedback on Performance           peperiksaan akhir.                                      final examination

       Kriteria Dalam Penilaian Sumatif                    Rujuk “Kaedah-kaedah Universiti Malaya (Ijazah Sarjana Muda) 2019” dan   Please refer to the University of Malaya (Bachelor’s Degree) Rules
                                                           “Peraturan-peraturan Universiti Malaya (Ijazah Sarjana Muda) 2019”.   2019  and  University  of  Malaya  (Bachelor’s  Degree)  Regulations
       Criteria in Summative Assessment

   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77