Page 35 - Handbook PG 20182019
P. 35

Faculty of Science Postgraduate Booklet, Session 2018/2019

                   6.  Solve statistical problems with scientific experience and skills.
                   7.  Use statistics in information management that contributes to lifelong learning.
                   8.  Practice efficient and effective management and entrepreneurial skills.

                                           Master of Science in Statistics

                                                     TOTAL: 42 CREDITS

                        1. Program Core Courses (26 CREDITS)

                        Course Code                   Course Name                       Credits
                          SQB7001     Research Methodology for Statistics                 3

                          SQB7002     Research Project for Statistics                     10

                          SQB7003     Statistical Inference                               4

                          SQB7004     Probability Theory                                  4

                          SQB7005     Statistical Laboratory                              2

                          SQB7006     Statistical Consultancy and Data Analysis           3
                        2. Program Elective Courses (16 CREDITS)

                        Course Code                   Course Name                       Credits
                          SQB7007     Multivariate Analysis                               4

                          SQB7008     Stochastic Models                                   4

                          SQB7009     Bayesian Statistics                                 4

                          SQB7010     Decision Statistics                                 4

                          SQB7011     Generalized Linear Models                           4

                          SQB7012     Experimental Design and Quality Engineering         4
                          SQB7013     Statistical Time Series                             4

                          SQB7014     Risk Theory                                         4
                          SQB7015     Stochastic Processes in Finance                     4

                          SQB7016     Computer Intensive Methods                          4

                          SQB7017     Robust Statistics                                   4

                          SQB7018     Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics               4

                          SQB7019     Data Mining                                         4

                          SQB7020     Survival Data Analysis                              4

                          SQB7021     Epidemiology Modelling                              4

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