Page 99 - Handbook PG 20182019
P. 99

Faculty of Science Postgraduate Booklet, Session 2018/2019

               SQG7001 Research Methodology in Crop Protection

               Emphasis  will  be  on  the  design  of  experiment  and  analysis  of  variance  in  agricultural  research.
               Experimental designs covered will include randomized, stratified, nested factorial, Latin squares, full
               or fractional factorial. Data used as examples might be from parametric and non-parametric one-
               sample,  two-sample  or  multi-sample  experiments.  Multivariate  statistical  methods,  including
               regression  models  repeated  measures  and  multivariate  ANOVA,  discriminant  analysis,  cluster
               analysis, principal component analysis, and exploratory factor analysis, , will be addressed. Concerns
               regarding  the  establishment  of  validity,  reliability  and  replicability  of  data  will  also  be  discussed.
               Students will be exposed to a common statistical package.

               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:           60%
               Final Examination:                      40%

               Medium of Instruction:

               Transferable Skills:
               Capability of using statistic application package

               Humanity Skill:
               CS7, CTPS7, LL3

                   9.  Montgomery, D.C. 2013. Design and Analysis of Experiments. 8th Edition, John Wiley & Sons
                   10. Christensen,  L.B.,  Johnson,  R.B.  and  Turner,  L.A.  2013.  Research  Methods,  Design,  and
                       Analysis. 12th Edition. Pearson Education Limited.
                   11. Lattin,  J.  Jr.,  Carroll,  D.  and  Green,  P.E.  2003.  Analyzing  Multivariate  Data.  Pacific  Grove:
                       Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning Inc.

               SQG7002 Research Project

               Student  will  conduct  a  research  project  based  on  topics  related  to  crop  protection.  The  art  of
               conducting  literature  review,  and  scientific  proposal  writing  will  be  exposed.    Development  of
               research  questions,  application  of  suitable  experimental  design,  execution  of  proposed  work,
               collection and data analysis and results interpretation will be explained. Techniques of designing a
               scientific poster and preparing an oral presentation will be introduced. The elements of writing that
               are important to develop the clarity and precision required of effective scientific communication will
               be emphasized.

               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:           100%

               Medium of Instruction:

               Transferable Skills:
                    1.     Ability to perform research activity

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