Page 3 - Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry _Brochure 2022
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3    Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry

                                    WHY CHOOSE

                                      Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry

                                                                  Bachelor  of  Science  in  Biochemistry  is  a  4-year
                                                                  programme  with  honours.  The  programme  is
                                                                  designed based on 21   century education model
                                                                  with  a  holistic  approach  towards  learning  and
                                                                  applying  knowledge.  The  programme  consists  of
                                                                  fundamental  and  applied  subjects  that  is  in  line
                                                                  with the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and sustainable

                                                                  development  growth  (SDG)  that  significantly
                                                                  contributes to the nation’s economy.

                                                                  The  programme  offers  subjects  that  have  made

                                                                  vital contributions to the fields of molecular biology,
                                                                  microbiology,    medicine,     forensic   science,
                                                                  agriculture and food industry. It is well known for its
                                                                  blended learning model that emphasizes on how to

                                                                  apply  the  knowledge  and  to  intrigue  the  creative
                                                                  mind. Lessons are created to encourage student
                                                                  participation,  idea  banking  and  problem  solving.
                                                                  Various subjects are included in the curriculum to

                                                                  increase student’s confidence in public speaking,
                                                                  project management and impact creation.

                                                                  Since  1997,  the  programme  has  been  creating

                                                                  graduates  that  are  industrial  leaders  and  game
                                                                  changers. The Biochemistry program has over 500
                                                                  alumni  that  are  constantly  pushing  boundaries  in
                                                                  the fields such medicine, biotechnology, food and

                                                                  many  more.  Join  us  and  experience  the  most
                                                                  powerful life changing education that will be your
                                                                  first step to a successful career.
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