Page 3 - Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management _Brochure 2022
P. 3

3      Bachelor of Science in

                   Environmental Management

                 WHY CHOOSE

                 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN


                                                              This  four  years  Science  in  Environmental

                                                              Management degree program is designed

                                                              in a 3u1i (3 years in University and 1 year

                                                              in  the  industry)  mode  with  the  aim  to

                                                              produce competent graduates in the field

                                                              of  environmental  science,  management

                                                              and  policy.  It  offers  a  comprehensive

                                                              industrial  training  for  two  semesters

                                                              during  the  final  year  to  prepare  the

                                                              students  for  the  real-world  challenges.

                                                              Besides, students will have the opportunity

                                                              to  learn  beyond  the  classroom  at  living

                                                              labs and field work settings. The program

                                                              is  equipped  with  field  work  logistics,

                                                              modern  learning  facilities  and  scientific

                                                              instruments. Students will not be limited to

                                                              only  industrial  exposure  and  linkages  but

                                                              will  also  be  able  to  partake  in  various

                                                              community  and  environmental-related

                                                              activities.  Classes  are  taught  by  qualified

                                                              and  passionate  academics  with  the

                                                              assistance  of  experienced  and  friendly

                                                              science officers.
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