Page 213 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20202021
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

               3.  J.  Reitz,  F.  Milford,  R.  Christy,  Foundations  of  Electromagnetic   Assessment Method:
                  theory, 4th ed. (Pearson, 2008)               Final Examination:     60%
               4.  David K. Cheng, Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics,   Continuous Assessment:    40%
                  Rev. ed., (Pearson, 2013)
               5.  W.  K.  H.  Panofsky,  M.  Phillips,  Classical  Electricity  and
                  Magnetism, 2  ed. (Addison-Wesley, 2012)      Medium of Instruction:
               Revision on electricity and magnetism in derivative forms.    CS3, CTPS3, LL2
               Coordinate systems: cylindrical, rectangle and  spherical coordinates,
               Divergence  theorem  and  Stokes’  theorem,  imaging  method,  Gauss   References:
               theorem  in  derivative  form,  divergence  and  curl  of  magnetic  field,   1.  S.T. Thornton & J.B. Marion, Classical Dynamics of Particles and
               Laplace  equation  in  2  and  3  dimensions,  boundary  conditions  and   Systems, 6th ed. (Brooks Cole, 2004)
               theorem of uniqueness, boundary conditions for D, E, B and H vectors,   2.  G.R.  Fowles  &  G.L.  Cassiday,  Analytical  Mechanics,  6th  ed.
               Free  and  bounded  charges,  Field  variation  with  time,  Maxwell’s   (Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2005)
               equations  in  differential  and  integral  forms,  Solution  to  Maxwell’s   3.  R. Resnick, Introduction to Special Relativity (Wiley, 2007)
               equations in free space, Maxwell equations in matter, Scalar potential,   4.  H.  Goldstein,  C.  P.  Poole  &  J.  Safko,  Classical  Mechanics
               vector potential and Gauge transformation.          (Pearson, 2011)
               Electromagnetic  waves:  In  free  space,  polarization,  reflection  and   5.  J.G.  Papastavridis,  Analytical  Mechanics:  A  Comprehensive
               transmission in medium, Helmholtz’s equation.       Treatise  on  the  Dynamics  of  Constrained  Systems  (World
               Electromagnetic wave propagation: Poynting theorem and Poynting   Scientific, 2013)
               vector,  electromagnetic  wave  in  conducting  and  nonconducting   6.  T.L. Chow, Classical Mechanics, 2  edition (CRC Press, 2013)
               medium,  frequency  dependence  of  permittivity  and  conductivity,
               dispersion in nonconducting medium, propagation of electromagnetic
               wave  in  between  conducting  planes,  guided  rectangular  wave  and   SIF2005 STATISTICAL PHYSICS (3 CREDITS)
                                                                Review of thermodynamics, basics of statistical mechanics, canonical
               Assessment Method:                               ensemble  and  Boltzmann  distribution,  identical  particles,  Maxwell
               Final Examination:     60%                       distribution  of  molecular  speeds,  applications  in  Doppler  line
               Continuous Assessment:    40%                    broadening,  Einstein’s  diffusion  law,  Planck’s  distribution  and
                                                                applications  of  Bose-Einstein  distribution,  systems  with  variable
               Medium of Instruction:                           number  of  particles,  Fermi-Dirac  distribution,  Bose-Einstein
               English                                          condensation, phase transition, Clapeyron equation, phase separation,
                                                                Ising model and mean field theory, order parameter, Landau theory,
               Soft-skills:                                     symmetry breaking, critical exponent.
               CS3, CTPS3
                                                                Assessment Method:
               References:                                      Final Examination:     60%
               1.  M.N.O.  Sadiku,  Elements  of  Electromagnetics,  6   ed.  (Oxford   Continuous Assessment:    40%
                  Univ Press, 2014)
               2.  David  J.  Griffiths,  Introduction  to  Electrodynamics,  4   ed.   Medium of Instruction:
                  (Pearson, 2014)                               English
               3.  William H. Hayt, Engineering Electromagnetics, 8  ed. (McGraw-
                  Hill, 2012)                                   Soft-skills:
               4.  Munir  H.  Nayfeh,  Morton  K.  Brussel,  Electricity  and  Magnetism   CS2, CTPS3, LL2
                  (Wiley, 1985)
               5.  David K. Cheng, Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics,   References:
                  New International Edition (Pearson, 2013)     1.  R.  Bowley  and  M.  Sanchez,  Introductory  Statistical  Mechanics
                                                                   (Oxford Science Publ., 2002)
               SIF2004 MECHANICS (3 CREDITS)                    2.  S.R.A. Salinas, Introduction to Statistical Physics (Springer, 2013)
                                                                3.  F.  Reif,  Fundamentals  of  Statistical  and  Thermal  Physics
               Motion  of  a  particle:  kinematics  in  two-dimension  and  three-  (Waveland Pr Inc, 2009)
               dimension,  theories  of  energy  and  momentum,  linear  momentum,   4.  F. Mandl, Statistical Physics, 2  ed. (Wiley, 2013)
               angular  momentum,  motion  in  two-  and  three-dimensions,  types  of   5.  R.  H.  Swendsen,  An  Introduction  to  Statistical  Mechanics  and
               forces  and  potential  energy,  projectile  motion,  motion  caused  by   Thermodynamics (Oxford University Press, 2012)
               centripetal force.                               6.  J.P.  Casquilho  and  P.I.C  Teixeira,  Introduction  to  Statistical
               Motion  of  a  system  of  particles:  center  of  mass  and  linear   Physics (Cambridge University Press, 2015)
               momentum,  angular  momentum  and  kinetic  energy  of  a  system  of
               particles, motion of a body with changing mass, rocket and planetary   SIF2006 OPTICS (2 CREDITS)
               motion, collision problem, 2-body problem, center of mass coordinate
               system and Rutherford scattering.                Nature of light: brief history.
               Noninertial  Reference  Systems:  linear  accelerating  and  rotating   Particles  and  photons:  Wave-particle  duality,  The  electromagnetic
               coordinate system, centrifugal and Coriolis forces, Foucault pendulum,   spectrum,  Radiometry,  Photometry,  Black  body  radiation,  Optical
               Larmor’s theory.                                 radiation  sources,  Matrix  methods  in  paraxial  optics,  ABCD  matrix,
               Dynamics  of  rigid  body:  angular  momentum,  moment  of  inertia,   Reflection  in  plane  mirrors  and  refraction  through  plane  surfaces,
               Eulerian angle, Euler’s equation of rigid body.   Reflection and  refraction at  spherical  surface,  thin  lenses,  cylindrical
               Calculus  of  variations  and  Hamilton’s  principle:  Canonical   lenses, thick lenses, prisms, wave equation.
               transformation, Poisson brackets.                Harmonic   waveforms:   Plane,   spherical,   and   cylindrical,
               Lagrangian  and  Hamiltonian  dynamics:  generalized  coordinates,   Electromagnetic waves, superposition, two-beam interference & two slit
               Lagrange’s  equation  with  undetermined  multiplier,  equivalent  of   (Young)  interference,  Interference  in  dielectric  films,  multiple-beam
               Lagrange’s  and  Newton’s  equation,  Canonical  equation  of  motion,   interference.
               Hamilton’s equation.                             Optical  interferometry:  Michelson  interferometer,    Fabry-Perot
               Special  theory  of  relativity:  Galilean  invariance,  Lorentz   Interferometer,  Huygen-Fresnel  principle,  Fraunhofer  diffraction,
               transformation, twins paradox, space time and four vector.   diffraction  from  single  slit,  multiple  slits-diffraction  grating,  polarized
                                                                light,  polarization  by  selective  absorption,  reflection,  scattering,

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