Page 218 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20202021
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

               References:                                      Assessment Method:
               1.  Condensed  Matter  Physics,  Michael  P.  Marder  2nd  Ed.  (2015),   Final Examination:    60%
                  Wiley.                                        Continuous Assessment:    40%
               2.  Kittel C (2005). Introduction to Solid State Physics, Wiley.
               3.  Giuseppe  Grosso  and  Giuseppe  Pastori  Parravicini,  2nd  Ed.   Medium of Instruction:
                  (2014) Solid State Physics, Elsevier.         English
               4.  Giuseppe Iadonisi et al (2014).  Introduction to Solid State Physics
                  and  Crystalline Nanostructures (UNITEXT for Physics), Springer   Soft-skills:
                                                                CS2, CTPS3, LL2

               SIF2018 RADIATION PHYSICS (3 CREDITS)            References:
                                                                1.  Theory of Gas Discharge Plasma (Springer, 2013)
               Radiation source, Nuclear Instability and types of radioactivity, Half-life   2.  Fundamentals of Ionized Gases: Basic Topics in Plasma Physics
               and  mean  life,  Natural  radioactive  series  and  radioactive  equilibrium   (Wiley-VCH, 2011)
               (Bateman  equation),  Branching  decay  and  types  of  decay,  Nuclear   3.  Plasma  Physics:  An  Introduction,  by  Richard  Fitzpatrick  (CRC
               activation, X-ray production, Moseley law,          Press, 2014)
               X-ray  fluorescence,  Radiation  interaction  with  matter  (elastic  and   4.  Yu P. Raizer, Gas Discharge Physics (Springer, 1997 reprint)
               inelastic processes), Bremsstrahlung theory, Dosimetry
               Equivalent dose, Radon and thoron measurements, Biological effects,
               somatic and genetic, Counting statistics, Radiation detectors   SIF3009 PLASMA PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY(3 CREDITS)
               Radiation protection: Distance, Time, Dose, Applications of radiation.
                                                                Fundamentals  of  plasma  physics  and  introduction  to  plasma
               Assessment Method:                               technology. Methods of plasma generation in direct current, alternating
               Final Examination:     60%                       current and pulsed mode. Plasma diagnostics. Physics and technology
               Continuous Assessment:    40%                    of  non-thermal  plasmas  and  pulsed  plasmas.  Application  of  plasma
                                                                technology:  plasma  processing,  plasma-based  lighting  systems,
               Medium of Instruction:                           plasma medicine, and concept of plasma fusion.
                                                                Assessment Method:
                                                                Final Examination:     60%
               Soft-skills:                                     Continuous Assessment:    40%
               CS2, CTPS3, EM2
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               References:                                      English
               1.  Basic  Radiation  Physics,  E.B.  Podgorsak,  McGill  University,
                  Montreal, Canada (2006).                      Soft-skills:
               2.  Radiation, Ionization, and Detection in Nuclear Medicine, Tapan   CS3, CTPS3, LL2, EM1
                  Gupta, (Springer, 2013)
               3.  Principles  of  Radiation  Interaction  in  Matter  and  Detection,  C.   References:
                  Leroy and P-G. Rancoita  (World Scientific, 2004)   1.   Introduction to plasma physics and controlled fusion. Volume 1,
               4.  Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry and Radiological Physics,   Plasma physics (Springer; 2nd edition, 2006)
                  Alex F Bielajew, The University of Michigan, USA (2005).   2.   Theory of Gas Discharge Plasma (Springer, 2013)
               5.  E.B.  Podgorsak.  Radiation  Physics  for  Medical  Physicists,   3.   Principles  of  Plasma  Diagnostics  by  I.  H.  Hutchinson
                  (Springer, 2010)                                  (Cambridge University Press; 2nd edition, 2005)
               6.  An  Introduction  to  Radiation  Protection,  Alan  Martin,  Sam   4.   High Temperature Plasmas (Wiley-VCH, 2011)
                  Harbison, Karen Beach, Peter Cole. (Taylors & Francis, 2012).     5.   An  Indispensable  Truth:  How  Fusion  Power  Can  Save  the
               7.  Radiation Detection and Measurement, G.F. Knoll, 3rd Ed. (Wiley,   Planet (Springer, 2011)
                  2000)                                         6.   Michael  Keidar  and  Isak  Beilis,  Plasma  Engineering:
               8.  Measurement  and  Detection  of  Radiation,  4th  Edition,  Taylor  &   Applications  from  Aerospace  to  Bio  and  Nanotechnology
                  Francis (2015)                                    (Academic Press, 2013)
                                                                7.   Alexander Piel, Plasma Physics: An Introduction to Laboratory,
                                                                    Space, and Fusion Plasmas (Springer, 2014)

               Basic principles and processes;                  SIF2020 ELECTRONICS II (3 CREDITS)
               Kinetic theory of gases, Maxwell distribution, Concept of temperature
               and  pressure,  Collision  cross-section,  Energy  transferred  due  to   The synopsis of Field Effect Transistors (FET) and various FET (JFET
               collision, Processes induced by electron collisions, Ion-neutral collision,   &  MOSFET).  Small-signal  A.C.  equivalent  circuits  for  FET.  gm  A.C.
               Collision  involving  metastable  ion/atom,  Processes  due  to  electrode   small signal model. Input and output impedances calculation. Voltage
               effect                                           and current gains calculation. The frequency response of circuits. The
               Characteristics of Plasma;                       capacitive effects. The definition of dB unit.
               Plasma potential, Debye shielding, Plasma sheath, Plasma frequency,   The -3dB frequencies. The Bode plot. The operational amplifier topics
               Electrical conductivity, Effect of magnetic field, Diffusion   covering  the  basic  building  block  circuits  of  operational  amplifiers
               Electrical Discharges in Gases;                  including the inverting and non-inverting amplifiers.
               I-V characteristics of gaseous discharge, Townsend theory of gaseous   Current to voltage and voltage to current converters. Subtracting and
               discharge,  Breakdown  criterion,  Paschen  law,  Breakdown  potential,   summing  circuits.  Integrators  and  differentiators.  Analysis  and
               Glowing gaseous discharge, Arc discharge, Corona discharge, Pulsed   applications  to  comparators.  Oscillators.  Active  filters.  Analogue
               discharge, The structure of glowing discharge, Cathode fall theory of   computers. The power amplifiers including the classification of A, B,
               normal glow discharge, Negative glow, Positive column and its theory,   AB, C and D. The A.C. load line. The push and pull concept. Cross-
               Hot cathode discharge                            over distortion. Efficiency calculations and comparison. Introduction to
               Electric probe                                   digital electronics. Basic gates. Multivibrator circuits.
               Thermodynamics of ionized gas;
               Real gas effect, Equation of state, The Law of Mass Action, Departure   Assessment Method:
               coefficient,  Thermodynamic  functions  expressed  in  term  of  z,  Saha   Final Examination:    60%
               equation, Enthalpy equation                      Continuous Assessment:    40%
               Survey of plasma applications

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