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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

               1.  Mary  L.  Boas,  Mathematical  Methods  in  the  Physical  Sciences,
                  3rd ed. (John Wiley & Sons, 2006)                    B. Sc. (Materials Science)
               2.  S. Hassani, Mathematical Methods: For Students of Physics and
                  Related Fields, , 2rd Edition (Springer, 2009)         SYNOPSIS OF COURSES
               3.  K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson, Essential Mathematical Methods for the
                  Physical Sciences (Cambridge University Press, 2011)
               4.  G.B. Arfken, H.J. Weber, Mathematical Methods for Physicists: A
                  Comprehensive Guide, 7th Edition (Elsevier Acad. Press, 2012)
               5.  G. N. Felder, K. M. Felder, Mathematical Methods in Engineering
                  and Physics (John Wiley & Sons, 2015)
                                                                             CORE COURSES

               General  formalism  of  quantum  mechanics.  Time-independent   LEVEL 1
               perturbation  theory.  Time-dependent  perturbation  theory.  Scattering
               theory.  Angular  momentum.  Additional  of  angular  momentum.
               Relativistic quantum mechanics.                  SMES1102   FUNDAMENTAL OF MATHEMATICAL METHOD

                                                                Vector: addition, dot product, cross product
               Assessment Method:                               Functions with one variable: differentiation and integration
               Final Examination:     60%                       Ordinary  differential  equations:  Solutions  to  first  order  and  linear
               Continuous Assessment:    40%                    second order homogeneous differential equations
                                                                Taylor series including many variables
               Medium of Instruction:                           Matrices: addition, multiplication, determinant
               English                                          Complex number, exp (i) expression

               Soft-skills:                                     Assessment Method:
               CS3, CTPS3, LL2                                  Final Examination:     60%
                                                                Continuous Assessment:    40%
               1.  James  Binney,  David  Skinner,  The  Physics  of  Quantum   Medium of Instruction:
                  Mechanics (Oxford University Press, 2014)     English
               2.  Kurt  Gottfried,  Tung-Mow  Yan,  Quantum  Mechanics:
                  Fundamentals 2nd ed. (Springer, 2013)         Soft-skills:
               3.  Reinhold Blumel, Advanced Quantum Mechanics: The Classical-  CS2, CT3, LL2
                  Quantum Connection (Jones and Barlett, 2011)
               4.  David  J.  Griffiths,  Introduction  to  Quantum  Mechanics,  2nd  ed.   References:
                  (Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004)                 1.  Mary L. Boas, Mathematical methods in the physical sciences, 3rd
               5.  S. Gasiorowicz,Quantum Physics, 3rd ed. (Wiley 2003)   ed. (John Wiley & Sons, 2006)
                                                                2.  M.R.  Spiegel,  Schaum’s  Outline  of  Advanced  Mathematics  for
                                                                   Engineers and Scientists, 1 ed. (McGraw-Hill, 2009)
               SIF3012 COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS (3 CREDITS)        3.  S.  Lipschutz,  M.  Lipson,  Schaum’s  Outline  of  Discrete
                                                                   Mathematics, Revised 3rd ed. (McGraw-Hill, 2009)
               Ordinary  Differential  Equations:  boundary-value  and  eigenvalue   4.  S. Lipschutz, J.J. Schiller, R.A. Srinivasan, Schaum’s Outline  of
               problems, Sturm-Liouville problem.                  Beginning Finite Mathematics (McGraw-Hill, 2004)
               Matrices:  matrix  eigenvalue  problems,  Faddeev-Leverrier  method,   5.  M.  Lipsson,  Schaum’s  Easy  Outline  of  Discrete  Mathematics
               Lanczos algorithm.                                  (McGraw-Hill, 2002)
               Tranforms:  Fast  Fourier  transform,  wavelet  transform,  Hilbert
               Partial  Differential  Equations:  Elliptic,  parabolic  and  hyperbolic   SMES1103   BEGINNING OF MATHEMATICAL METHODS
               Probabilistic Methods: Random numbers, random walks, Metropolis   Linear  Equations:  Row  reduction,  determinant  and  Cramer’s  Rule.
               algorithm,  Monte  Carlo  simulation,  Ising  model,  particle  transport   Vectors  and  vector  analysis:  Straight  line  and  planes;  vector
               modelling.                                       multiplication, triple vector, differentiation of vectors, fields, directional
               Symbolic Computing: Matlab, Mathematica, Python, Scilab.   derivative,  gradient,  some  other  expressions  involving   ,    line
                                                                integrals,  Green’s  Theorem  in  a  plane,  divergence  and  divergence
               Assessment Method:                               theorem, curl and Stoke’s Theorem.
               Final Examination:     60%                       Matrices: Linear combination, linear function, linear operators, sets of
               Continuous Assessment:    40%                    linear equations, special matrices.
                                                                Partial differentiation: Power series in two variables, total differentials,
               Medium of Instruction:                           chain  rule,  application  of  partial  differentiation  to  maximum  and
               English                                          minimum  problems  including  constraints,  Lagrange  multipliers,
                                                                endpoint  and  boundary  point  problems,  change  of  variables,
               Soft-skills:                                     differentiation of integrals, Leibniz Rule.
               CS3, CTPS3, LL2                                  Multiple integrals: Double and triple integrals, change of variables in
                                                                integrals, Jacobian, surface integrals.
               References:                                      Ordinary differential equation: Inhomogeneous Second order linear
               1.  S. Koonin & D. Meredith, Computational Physics (Westview Press   differential equations.
               2.  J. M. Thijssen, Computational Physics, 2nd ed. (Cambridge, 2007)   Assessment Method:
               3.  Paul  L.  DeVries  and  Javier  Hasbun,  A  First  Course  in   Final Examination:    60%
                  Computational Physics, 2nd Edition (2011)     Continuous Assessment:    40%
               4.  Joel Franklin, Computational Methods for Physics, (2013)
               5.  Mark E. J. Newman, Computational Physics (2012)

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