Page 226 - Handbook Bachelor Degree of Science Academic Session 20202021
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Faculty of Science Handbook, Academic Session 2020/2021

                                                                ionized  gas,  real  gas  effect,  equation  of  state,  Law  of  Mass  Action,
               Assessment Method:                               departure  coefficient,  Saha  equation,  enthalpy  equation,  plasma
               Continuous Assessment:    100%                   potential,  Debye  shielding,  plasma  sheath,  I-V  characteristics  of
                                                                gaseous discharge.
               Medium of Instruction:                           Survey of plasma application Material processing: microelectronics
               English                                          fabrication.

               Soft-skills:                                     Assessment Method:
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM2, LS2                     Final Examination:     60%
                                                                Continuous Assessment:    40%
               Project supervisor                               Medium of Instruction:
               LEVEL 4                                          CS2, CT3, LL2

               SMEB4181  PROJECT II                             References:
                                                                1.  John  F.  O'Hanlon,  A  User's  Guide  to  Vacuum  Technology,  3
               Research  project  in  Materials  Science  including  contract  research   Edition (Wiley, 2003)
               obtained from industry                           2.  M. H. Hablanian, High-Vacuum Technology (Dekker Mechanical
                                                                   Engineering), 2  Edition (1997)
               Assessment Method:                               3.  Yoshinobu  Kawai,  Hideo  Ikegami,  Noriyoshi,  Industrial  Plasma
               Continuous Assessment:    100%                      Technology:  Applications  from  Environmental  to  Energy
                                                                   Technologies (Wiley, 2010)
               Medium of Instruction:                           4.  Michael  A.  Lieberman  and  Alan  J.  Lichtenberg,  Principles  of
               English                                             Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing , 2nd Edition (Wiley,
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LL2, EM2, LS2                     SMEB3302  NANO MATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGY

               References:                                      Introduction  to  nanostructures;  Zero-dimensional  nanostructures:
               Project supervisor                               nanoparticles,  one-dimensional  nanostructures:  nanowires  and
                                                                nanorods,  two-dimensional  nanostructures:  thin  films.  Special
                                                                nanomaterials.  Novel  synthesis  methods  of  nanostructures:  chemical
               ELECTIVE COURSES                                 approach  and  physical  methods.  Nanomaterial  characterization:
                                                                diffraction,  microscopy  and  spectroscopy  technique.    Unique
                                                                mechanical,  thermal,  electrical,  optical  and  magnetic  properties  of
               SMEB3301  LABVIEW PROGRAMMING
                                                                nanomaterials  as  a  result  of  reduce  in  dimensionality.  Novel
                                                                applications  of  nanomaterials  in  catalyst,  nanoelectronics,
               Students  are  placed  in  a  laboratory  equiped  with  computers  with   optoelectronics, composite technology, environmental and biomedical
               labview  program and  corresponding hardware  teaching module.  The   science. Toxicology of nanomaterials.
               students will be taught the basic functions of Labview program and with
               that  would  be  exposed  to  use  Labview  to  write  more  advanced
               programming and simulations. Subsequently, the student will be taught   Assessment Method:
               to apply Labview for instrument interfacing using the supplied hardware   Final Examination:    50%
                                                                Continuous Assessment:
               module.  Finally  the  student  will  be  introduced  to  programming  of
               multiple  measuments  sequences  using  the  said  module  and  will  be   Medium of Instruction:
               taught to write synchronization program for the measurements.
               Assessment Method:
               Continuous Assessment:    100%                   Soft-skills:
                                                                CS2, CT3, LL2

               Medium of Instruction:                           References:
                                                                1.  Introduction   to   Nanoscale   Science   and   Technology
               Soft-skills:                                        (Nanostructure Science and Technology) by Massimiliano Ventra,
                                                                   Stephane Evoy and James R. Heflin (Jun 30, 2004)
               CS2, CT3, LL2                                    2.  Nanostructures  and  Nanomaterials:  Synthesis,  Properties,  and
                                                                   Applications  (World  Scientific  Series  in  Nanoscience  and
               References:                                         Nanotechnology) by Guozhong Cao and Ying Wang (Jan 3, 2011)
               Laboratory manual
               SMEB3402  VACUUM AND PLASMA TECHNOLOGY           3.  Understanding Nanomaterials by Malkiat S. Johal (Apr 26, 2011)

               Fundamental processes and concepts: Kinetic theory of gases, gas   SMEB3303  BIOMATERIALS
               transport, Maxwell distribution, concept of temperature and pressure,
               collision cross-section, microscopic processes in gas.
               Properties of Gas: Kinetic of Gas, Gas Law, Gas Transport   Fundamental physical concepts of biomaterials are introduced and its
               Gas  Flow:  Throughput,  Mass  flow,  Conductance,  Vaporization,   various classes of natural (collagen) and synthetic materials such as
                                                                metal, bioceramics, bioglasses, biopolymers, biocomposites, biocarbon
               Diffusion                                        studied.    Important  biomaterial  properties  discussed  include
               Vacuum pumps: mass flow control, gas analysers and leak detection   biocompatibility,  biofueling,  implantation  and  biodegradation.  Some
               (include Pumps: Mechanical Pumps, Turbomolecular Pumps, Diffusion
               Pumps, Ion Pumps, Cryogenic Pumps, ultrahigh vacuum   established  and  emerging  applications  in  biology  and  medicine;
               Residual  Gas  Analysers,  Materials  in  Vacuum,  Joints,  Seals,  and   biosensing, cardiovascular interventions and implants, drug and gene
               Valves, Lubrication, Leak Detection)             delivery, etc are also investigated.

               Fundamental  of  gaseous  discharge glowing gaseous discharge:
               arc discharge, corona discharge, pulsed discharge, thermodynamic of

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