Page 11 - 01/2022 PULSE@FASS e-Bulletin
P. 11

Issue no. 1 | 2022
                   The FASS Strategic Workshop 2022

    On   the   13th   and   20th   of   January   2022,   the   top
    management   of   the   Faculty   of   Arts   and   Social   Sciences
    participated   in   Series   I   and   II   of   the   faculty’s   strategic
    planning   workshop   at   VE   Hotel,   Bangsar.   Series   I   began
    with  the  Dean  providing  an  overview  of  the  faculty’s  plans.
    Subsequently,   the   Deputy   Deans   and   Administration
    discussed   and   presented   their   planning   for   the   year   2022.
    In   Series   II,   members   of   the   Dean’s   office   met   with   the
    Heads  of  Department  from  across  the  faculty  to  discuss  the
    outcome   of   the   strategic   planning   for   the   year.   Each
    session   was   deemed   a   success   and   the   faculty   looks
    forward to a fruitful new year.

        Students at the Department of Indian Studies

                                         Receive Laptops

                                            By Dr Silllalee A/l S. Kandasamy

                Students proudly displaying their donated laptops together with members of the faculty and Mr Saravanan

     Some of the
     students with
     their new laptops
     given by the
    Students   at   The   Department   of   Indian   Studies   received  Datuk   B.   Sahadevan,   the   Managing   Director   of   NLFCS
    donated   laptops   from   two   separate   events   recently.   The  handed  out  the  laptops  to  the  undergraduates.  The  event
    first  was  at  the  “Laptop  Giveaway”  event  held  on  the  28th  was   also   graced   by   Tan   Sri   Kumaran,   President   of   the
    of   March   2022.   Mr.   Saravanan   Dato’   Sangaralingam,   the  Yayasan  Ko.Sarangabani  Foundation.  During  both  events,
    founder   of   Continental   Management   Resources  Sdn  Bhd,  the   Dean   of   FASS,   Professor   Danny   Wong   Tze
    donated   five   laptops   to   students   who   are   currently  Ken,expressed  gratitude  to  the  donors  for  their  generosity
    experiencing   financial   difficulties.   The   second   “Laptop  and   hoped   other   future   leaders   from   the   Indian   Studies
    Donation   Event”   held   the   following   month   on   the   5th   of  Department   and   FASS   would   later   also   continue   in   the
    April   2022,   saw   29   students   from   the   department  spirit  of  helping  society.  Both  Mr.  Saravanan  and  Datuk  B.
    receiving   free   laptops   courtesy   of   the   National   Land  Sahadevan   motivated   students   of   the   department   to   use
    Finance Co-Op Society Limited (NLFCS), under the Tan Sri  every   opportunity   they   had   to   succeed   and   become
    Soma Language and Literature Foundation.                  model citizens.
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