Page 18 - 01/2022 PULSE@FASS e-Bulletin
P. 18
FACULTY OPINION PIECE Issue no. 1 | 2022
"product of centuries of
This quote encapsulates Confucianism’s priority, which
is to strive for an upright, noble existence in the present
interaction and cross-
world. When this is achieved, life in the hereafter will
fertilization, between
take care of itself. To that end, the Confucian telos is to
realise harmony on earth, or ‘under Heaven’. Guiding
varied visions,
the Confucian in this universal endeavour is the
convictions, and
concentric circle. To transform the world, one begins
with the self within the family, progressing outwards to
affect the neighbourhood and community, province
and country, and finally extending across the four seas.
the human family, the Daoist quest includes
In fact, the nucleus family is the basic building block of harmonious co-existence between the human species
the Confucian social structure. Through the intimate and the natural world, and finally with the wider cosmic
rituals of kinship ties, a person’s moral complexion chi, the source of all things.
assumes its formative traits. Academia is the other pillar
of the Confucian enterprise. A person’s heart and mind The Daoist also finds wanting the Confucian stoic
are cultivated through the lifelong process of learning response to the perplexity of human mortality, for
and studying. The Confucian ideal personhood, after example, the inevitability of death. For Lao Tzu, the best
all, is the chun tzu, the scholarly gentleman. way for a person to live is to submit to whatever life
brings and be flexible. One’s ultimate goal is to live at
Indeed, ancient China's political system was peace with the way of the Dao, and to recognize that
underpinned by the literati class. As civil bureaucrats, everything that happens in life should be accepted as
the Confucian scholar-officials manned the vast part of the eternal force which binds and moves
network of Imperial China’s state machinery. At the through all things.
apex of this power structure was the Emperor. If he
reigned wisely, as any sage king should, then peace However, some continue to be tormented by the
and harmony would prevail ‘under Heaven’. In prospect of inevitable death, and they turn to nature
Confucianism, the ideal mission is to actualize a heaven and medicinal science to pursue longevity, to delay or
on earth. But some Chinese found the Confucian vision even escape death. Historically, many subsequently
wanting, failing to address the full dimensions and sought solace in the Buddhist doctrine of the
exigencies of life. The Daoists were among these. incarnation, to reconcile the unknown that lies beyond
the grave with the present life cycle.
Daoism and Folk Religion
A religion native to India, Buddhism was introduced to
Lao Tzu and Zhuang Zhi are usually accredited as China during the Han dynasty and subsequently
founders of Daoism, another native Chinese religion, became assimilated into Chinese culture. It interacted
with origins dating back to the 6th century BCE. This most closely with Daoism, and evolved into a distinct
tradition grew from an observance of the natural world form of Chinese Buddhism with common beliefs that
and developed out of a belief in the cosmic balance include the existence of myriad gods, reincarnation,
maintained and regulated by the Dao. It emphasises and karmic retribution.
doing what is natural and ‘going with the flow’ in
accordance with the Dao, a cosmic force that flows At the folk level, the Chinese religious landscape is a
through all things and binds and releases them. The canvass of myriads of divinities and deities. With roots
task at hand therefore is to pursue a way of life that is in in shamanism and animism, these contacts with the
harmony with the entire natural order. supernatural realm provide the Chinese a medium to
deal with the inexplicable and paranormal, such as
For this reason, the Daoist regards the Confucian ideal natural disasters, illness and misfortunes. For example,
of the chun tzu as too mundane and anthropocentric. temples and shrines venerating the sea goddesses
In Daoist cosmology, all things, including humankind, dotted China’s coastlines, as fishermen prayed for
are ultimately one. As such, the end purpose of bountiful catches and protection from the lurking
existence is to strive for the unity of all things. Beyond dangers of the open seas.
18 | Pulse @ FASS