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                                                 journal of SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES

                                                JATI - Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (ISSN: 1823-
                                                4127),  published  bi-annually  by  the  Universiti  Malaya,
                                                focuses  on  social  sciences  and  humanities  in
                                                Southeast  Asia.  It's  a  double-blind,  peer-reviewed
                                                journal  indexed  in  Web  of  Science  ESCI,  SCOPUS,
                                                MYCite,  and  UDLedge:  SS&HCI.  Papers  in  English
                                                range  from  1,500  to  8,000  words,  adhering  to  APA  7
                                                style,  with  a  required  structure  including  literature
                                                review, theoretical framework, methods, findings, and

           Southeast Asian Review of English

           SARE: Southeast Asian Review of English (ISSN: 0127-
           046X)  is  an  international,  SCOPUS-indexed,  peer-
           reviewed  journal  founded  in  1980  that  publishes
           scholarly  articles  and  other  materials.  Launched
           initially   by   the   Malaysian   Association   for
           Commonwealth  Literature  and  Language  Studies
           (MACLALS), it is now produced by the Department of
           English at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of
           Universiti  Malaya,  the  nation's  oldest  and  premier

                                             WILAYAH: International Journal of East  Asian

                                             WILAYAH: The International Journal of East Asian Studies
                                             (formerly  known  as  IJEAS  :  International  Journal  of  East
                                             Asian  Studies)  (ISSN:  2232-0679)  aims  to  provide  a
                                             platform for exchanges of ideas related to the East Asian
                                             region  with  particular  emphasis  on  Japan,  China,  and
                                             Korea. It offers informative and insightful multidisciplinary
                                             discourse for academics, policymakers, and students alike.
                                             The  result  is  a  provocative  exploration  of  the  most
                                             pressing  East  Asian  political,  economic,  and  social
                                             challenges  of  our  time.  IJEAS  is  a  peer-reviewed
                                             publication  by  the  Department  of  East  Asian  Studies,
                                             Faculty  of  Arts  and  Social  Sciences,  Universiti  Malaya,

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