Page 135 - 2025 FASS PROFILE BOOK (18 x 24 cm)
P. 135


                          department of Social Administration and Justice

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS
                                                          Prison & Correctional Studies,
                                                          Rehabilitation & Treatment of Drug Abuse
                                                          and Offenders,
                                                          Community Corrections & Community

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          Inmates and Offenders, Prison and Community
                                                          Corrections,  Drug  abuse  Counselling,  Life
                                                          Satisfaction   and   Well-being,   Community

                                                      SELECTED PUBLICATIONS

             dr.                                         Mohd Nawawi, N. A. A., Othman, E. A., Mohd Nasir,
             Mohd Norbayusri Baharudin                   F.,  Abdullah,  K.  A.,  &  Baharudin,  M.  N.  (2024).
                                                         Drug addictions in Malaysia: a mini-review on drug
                       types,  rehabilitation  centers  and  therapeutic
                                                         programs. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse,
                PhD (Management)                         Baharudin, M. N., Mohamad, M., & Karim, F. (2021).
                    Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA)  Mediating Role of Quality of Life in the Relationship
                                                         between  Prison  Climate  and  Life  Satisfaction.  The
                MA (Substance Abuse Counseling)          Journal of Management Theory and Practice (JMTP),
                   Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
                                                         2(3), 41-48.
                BA Hons. (Public Management)             Baharudin, M. N., Mohamad, M., & Karim, F. (2021).
                   Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)       The  Importance  of  Social  Support  during
                                                         Imprisonment:  A  Case  of  Malaysian  Drug-Abuse
                                                         Prisoners.  International  Journal  of  Academic
              UMEXPERT LINK                              Research  in  Business  and  Social  Sciences,  11(7),
                                                         Baharudin,  M.  N.,  Mohamad,  M.,  &  Karim,  F.
                                                         (2020).  Developing  a  conceptual  model  of  drug-
             RESEARCHER ID                               abuse  inmates  personality,  prison  climate,  social
             KVA-6874-2024 (Web of Science)              support,  and  maqasid  shariah  quality  of  life.
          International  Journal  of  Arts  and  Social  Science,
                                                         3(4), 234-242.
                                                         Baharudin,  M.  N.,  Mohamad,  M.,  &  Karim,  F.
             SCOPUS ID                                   (2020).  Drug-abuse  inmates  maqasid  shariah
             58984121100                                 quality of life: A conceptual paper. Humanities and
                                                         Social Sciences Reviews, 8(3), 1285-1294.

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