Page 152 - 2025 FASS PROFILE BOOK (18 x 24 cm)
P. 152


                                       Institute of China Studies

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS
                                                          Urban and Regional Economics
                                                          International Economics
                                                          Economic Development and Growth

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          Urban development, China-Malaysia economic
                                                          relations, the Chinese state and state
                                                          enterprises, political-economic System.

                                                      SELECTED PUBLICATIONS
                                                         Gomez, E. T., Tham, S. Y., Li, R., & Cheong, K. C.
                                                         (2020). China in Malaysia: State-business relations
                                                         and the new order of investment flows. Singapore:
             li ran                                      Palgrave Macmillan.
                                                         Li,  R.,  &  Cheong,  K.  C.  (2019).  China’s  state
                                enterprises: Changing role in a rapidly transforming
                                                         economy. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.
                                                         Li, R., & Cheong, K. C. (2017). Huawei and ZTE in
             EDUCATION                                   Malaysia: The localisation of Chinese transnational
                                                         enterprises.  Journal  of  Contemporary  Asia,  47(5),
                PhD, (Development Economics)
                   Universiti Malaya (UM)                752-773.
                                                         Li, R., Wang, Q., & Cheong, K. C. (2016). Quanzhou:
                Bachelor of Science in Business Administration  Reclaiming a glorious past. Cities, 50, 168-179.
                   Troy State University, Troy

                                                       SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS
              UMEXPERT LINK                               Huaqiao  University  Special  fund  for  Overseas
           Chinese  Studies  (Z1543014):  China’s  OFDI  in
                                                          Malaysia  under  the  Belt  and  Road  Initiative
                                                          (HF161101)”  (Total  Grant:  RM30,000,  duration:
             RESEARCHER ID                                January  2017  –  June  2017)  funded  by  Huaqiao
             KTI-1858-2024 (Web of Science)               University  Special  fund  for  Overseas  Chinese
           Studies. Role: Principal Researcher.
                                                          China’s  Investment  in  Malaysia  under  the  Two
                                                          Crises  of  Covid-19  Pandemic  and  Political
             SCOPUS ID
                                                          Instability”  (Total  Grant:  RM15,000,  duration:
             56127530500                                  December 2021 – June 2023) funded by Institute of
                                                          China  Studies,  Universiti  Malaya.  Role:  Principal

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