Page 154 - 2025 FASS PROFILE BOOK (18 x 24 cm)
P. 154


                                       Institute of China Studies

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS

                                                          International Relations
                                                          Strategy and security analysis
                                                          China studies

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          East  Asian  security,  China’s  foreign  policy,
                                                          China-ASEAN Relations; Xinjiang, South China

                                                      SELECTED PUBLICATIONS

             dr.                                         Nur  Shahadah  Jamil  (2023).  “Taiwan’s  New
                                                         Southbound Policy in Southeast Asia and the ‘China
             Nur Shahadah Jamil                          Factor’: Deepening Regional Integration Amid New
                             Reality,” Asian Affairs, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 264-285.
                                                         Nur Shahadah Jamil (2022). “ASEAN and the Two
                                                         Koreas:  Bilateral  and  Multilateral  Nexus”  in  Lam
             EDUCATION                                   Peng  Er  (Ed.).  Contemporary  Korea-Southeast
                PhD, (Pengajian Strategi dan Keselamatan)  Asian  Relations:  Bilateral  and  Multilateral.  London:
                   Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)  Routledge.
                                                         Ngeow  Chow  Bing  and  Nur  Shahadah  Jamil
                MSC, (Social Sciences)                   (2022).  “Layered  Nationalism  in  Malaysia  and  the
                   Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)  South  China  Sea  Dispute”  in  Peng  Nian  &  Ngeow
                                                         Chow Bing (Eds.). Populism, Nationalism and South
                MSC, (Hubungan Antarabangsa)
                   Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)  China Sea Disputes: Chinese and Southeast Asian
                                                         Perspective. Singapore: Springer Publishing.
              UMEXPERT LINK
                                                       SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS
             RESEARCHER ID                                2023  KNDA  ASEAN  Fellowship  (2023),  Korea
             FBR-5229-2022 (Web of Science)               National  Diplomatic  Academy  (KNDA),  Ministry  of
           Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea
                                                          Kaneka  Fellowship  (2021),  Institute  of  Malaysian
             SCOPUS ID                                    and  International  Studies  (IKMAS),  Universiti
             57794634800                                  Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)

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