Page 50 - 2025 FASS PROFILE BOOK (18 x 24 cm)
P. 50


                                  department of east asian studies

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS

                                                          International Development,
                                                          International Studies,
                                                          East Asian Politics And Development

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          International development, Korean studies,
                                                          international relations, Malaysia Korea

                                                      SELECTED PUBLICATIONS
                                                         Kamaruddin,  N.,  Idris,  A.,  &  Fernandez,  K.  (Eds.).
                                                         (2024). The New Normal and Its Impact on Society.
                                                         Springer Nature.
             nurliana kamaruddin                         Kamaruddin, N., Lee, K. C. L., & Jamil, N. S. (Eds.).
                                                         (2024). Southward Bound: Examining the Regional
                           Policies of Taiwan and South Korea. Routledge.
                                                         Imanuella  S.F.,  Idris  A.,  Kamaruddin  N.  (2024).
             EDUCATION                                   Social  entrepreneurship  and  rural  development  in
                                                         post-independence  Indonesia,  Social  Enterprise
                PhD, International Studies (Development  Journal. . doi:10.1108/SEJ-12-2023-0155.
                Cooperation), (Arts)                     Kamaruddin,  N.,  &  Galas,  J.  V.  (2024)  ASEAN-
                   Ewha Womans University, Korea
                                                         ROK-India: Leveraging the New Southern Policy for
                MA, International Studies (International  Triangular  Cooperation.  In  India,  South  Korea  and
                Cooperation)                             the ASEAN (pp. 181-189). Routledge India.
                    Yonsei University                    Kamaruddin  N.,  Deivasagayam  A.D.  (2023).  The
                                                         NSP-K  and  NSP-K  Plus:  Elevating  South  Korea's
                BA (International Studies), (Arts)
                    Ewha Womans University, Korea        Middle  Power  Presence  Among  Asean  Member
                                                         Countries,    Asian     Affairs.    .
              UMEXPERT LINK

             RESEARCHER ID                             SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS
             F-3777-2011 (Web of Science)                 AEI-ASEM Summer School 2024 Coordinator
           Posco Asia Opinion Leader Fellowship Alumni
                                                          Jean  Monnet  Centre  of  Excellence  2017-2020
             SCOPUS ID                                    (Asia-Europe Institute) 3rd Year Coordinator

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