Page 54 - 2025 FASS PROFILE BOOK (18 x 24 cm)
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                                        department of english

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS
                                                          English Language Theatre of Singapore and

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD

                                                          Theatre, English language, Identity

                                                       SELECTED PUBLICATIONS
                                                          Philip, S. (2021). Satire and Community in the time
                                                          of  COVID-19:  An  Analysis  of  Ernest  Ng’s  Covidball
             ASSOCIATE PROF. DR.
                                                          Z.  Journal  of  Postcolonial  Writing,  57(5),  709-722.
             Mary Susan Philip                  
                                                          Philip, S. (2021). “Don’t be a foreigner in your own
                                 country:  An  Interview  with  Jo  Kukathas.”  SARE
                                                          (Southeast Asian Review of English), 58(1), 135-149.
             EDUCATION                                    Philip,  S.  (2020).  Re-shaping  Identity  Through  the
                                                          Body:  An  Analysis  of  K.S.  Maniam's  The  Sandpit:
                PhD, (Malaysian and Singaporean Theater in  Womensis and Mark de Silva's Stories for Amah. In
                   Australian National University         M. A. Quayum (Ed.), Malaysian Literature in English:
                                                          A  Critical  Companion  (pp.  145-165).  Newcastle:
                MA, (Arts)                                Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
                   Universiti Malaya (UM)                 Philip,   S.   (2020).   Dismantling   Gendered
                                                          Nationalism  in  Kee  Thuan  Chye's  We  Could  ****
                BA (Hons)(English Literature)
                   Universiti Malaya (UM)                 You,  Mr.  Birch.  In  M.A.  Quayum  (Ed.),  Malaysian
                                                          Literature in English: A Critical Companion (pp. 216-
                                                          231). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
              UMEXPERT LINK

             RESEARCHER ID                                Recipient of Krishen Jit Fund, 2021
           External  assessor  for  proposed  BA  in  English
                                                          Language  and  Literature  with  Performing  Arts,
                                                          University of Nottingham Malaysia, 2021
             SCOPUS ID                                    External  examiner,  Bachelor  of  Arts  (Honours)
             35178351700                                  English with Drama, Tunku Abdul Rahman University
                                                          College, 2021-2024

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