Page 58 - 2025 FASS PROFILE BOOK (18 x 24 cm)
P. 58


                                        department of english

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS
                                                          Feminist Studies,
                                                          Postcolonial Studies,
                                                          Malaysian Literature in English

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          Ecofeminist Studies, Postcolonial Literature,
                                                          Malaysian Literature in English, Discourse of
                                                          Women’s Madness

                                                      SELECTED PUBLICATIONS

                                                         Foong  Soon  Seng,  Gheeta  Chandran,  &  Raphael
                                                         Thoo  Yi  Xian.  (2023).  “The  Edible  Identity”  in
                                                         Michelle  Zauner’s  Crying  in  H  Mart:  A  Memoir”.
             foong song seng                             KEMANUSIAAN the Asian Journal of Humanities, vol.
                                                         30, Supp. 1, pp. 105-124.
                              Foong  Soon  Seng  &  Gheeta  Chandran.  (2020).
                                                         “(Re)Imagining  Dystopian  Space”:  Memory  and
             EDUCATION                                   Trauma  in  Yoko  Ogawa’s  The  Memory  Police”.
                                                         SARE:  Southeast  Asian  Review  of  English,  vol.  57,
                PhD (English Literature)                 no. 1, pp. 100-122.
                    Universiti Malaya
                                                         Foong Soon Seng. (2019). "Revisiting the Past: The
                Master of Arts (Linguistics and English  Wound and the Voice in Ramli Ibrahim's In the Name
                Language Studies)                        of Love". SARJANA, vol. 34, no. 2, pp 1-10.
                    Universiti Sains Malaysia            Foong  Soon  Seng.  (2018).  "Madness  in  Its  Place:
                                                         Ecofeminism in Janet Frame's Faces in the Water".
                Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) (English Language and  SARE: Southeast Asian Review of English, vol.  55,
                Literature Studies)                      pp 37-52.
                    Universiti Sains Malaysia
                                                         Foong Soon Seng. (2016). "Exploring the Concept
                                                         of  Spirituality  in  Coelho's  Brida:  The  Search  for
                                                         Inner  Awareness  and  Personal  Integration".  SARE:
              UMEXPERT LINK                              Southeast Asian Review of English, vol. 52 no. 11, pp

             RESEARCHER ID                             SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS
             LMO-5144-2024 (Web of Science)
                                                          Best  Abstract  Award  at  the  10th  Malaysia
                                                          International  Conference  on  Languages,  Literatures
             SCOPUS ID                                    and Cultures (MICOLLAC) 2018.
             57225049972                                  Bronze  Medal  for  Poster  Presentation  at  the  1st
                                                          International Malaysia-Indonesia-Thailand Symposium
                                                          on Innovation and Creativity (IMIT-SIC 2017).

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