Page 60 - 2025 FASS PROFILE BOOK (18 x 24 cm)
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                                        department of english

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS
                                                          Postcolonial Studies
                                                          Contemporary South Asian Literature
                                                          Post-9/11 Literature

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          Siraiki, 9/11, ethnolinguistic, identity, Pakistan,
                                                          Resistance Poetry, Media, Literary

                                                       SELECTED PUBLICATIONS
                                                          Langah,  N.,  &  Sengupta,  R.  (Eds.).  (2021).  Film,
             dr.                                          Media,  and  Representation  in  Post  Colonial  South
             NUKHBAH TAJ LANGAh                           Asia. Delhi, London, New York: Routledge.
                                                          Langah,  N.  (Ed.).  (2019).  Literary  and  Non-Literary
                         Responses  Towards  9/11.  Delhi,  London,  New  York:
                                                          Langah,  N.  (2011).  Poetry  as  Resistance:  Islam  &
             EDUCATION                                    Ethnicity  in  Postcolonial  Pakistan.  Delhi,  London,
                PhD, (English Language and Literature)    New York: Routledge.
                   Leeds University, Leeds, UK            Langah,  N.,  &  Kamal  ud  Din.  (2022).  Responses
                                                          Towards  9/11:  Caricatures  and  Pashto  Poetry  from
                M.A, (Colonial & Postcolonial Literature)
                   Warwick University, UK                 Pakistan. In W. Anwar & N. Yousaf (Eds.), Handbook,
                                                          Transcultural  Humanities  in  South  Asia:  Critical
                Bachelor (Hons), (English Literature)     Essays  on  Literature  and  Culture.  Delhi,  London,
                   University of Buckingham, UK           New York: Routledge.
                B.A, (Arts)
                   Punjab University, Pakistan         SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS
                                                          2024  -  Principal  Investigator  -  Archives  of  Siraiki
                                                          Cultural and Political History in Pakistan (Pakistan),
              UMEXPERT LINK                               Modern Endangered Archives Grant, UCLA library,
      USA approved.
                                                          2021 - Project Partner Lead from Forman Christian
                                                          College  University  with  Siobhan  Lambert-Hurley
             RESEARCHER ID                                (University  of  Sheffield)  as  Principal  Investigator.
             GQZ-5857-2022 (Web of Science)               Grant  Title:  ‘Advancing  Female  Literacy  and
           Empowerment  in  Pakistan  and  India  through  Life
                                                          Writing’, 2019-2020 funded by Global Challenges
                                                          Research Fund quality related (QR) funding, UK

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