Page 68 - 2025 FASS PROFILE BOOK (18 x 24 cm)
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                                      department of geography

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS
                                                          Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
                                                          Political geography
                                                          Social geography

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          GIS, Spatial, Politics, Election, Social science

                                                      SELECTED PUBLICATIONS
                                                         Jama, W. M. W., Fauzi, R., & Ghazali, A. S. (2021).
                                                         The  measurement  of  Gerrymander  practices  in
                                                         demarcation of elections: A critical comparison at
                                                         Selangor  Parliament  in  the  13th  GE  and  14th  GE.
             professor gs. dr.
                                                         Geografia-Malaysian  Journal  of  Society  &  Space,
             rosmadi fauzi                               17(1), 312-327.
                                                         Abousaeidi,  M.,  Fauzi,  R.,  &  Muhamad,  R.  (2016).
                         Determining  efficient  delivery  routes  in  specific
                                                         time-frames using Geographic Information System.
             EDUCATION                                   Journal of Environmental Biology, 37(5), 1167-1176.
                                                         Fauzi, R., Ghazali, A. S., Mansur, S., Rahman, Z. A.,
                Ph.D., GIS (Spatial Data)                &  Othman,  M.  R.  (2013).  Memahami  Keputusan
                   Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
                                                         Pilihan  Raya  Negeri  Sarawak  2011  dari  Perspektif
                                                         Ruangan. Jurnal Sarjana, 28(2), 51-64.
                MSc., Housing
                   Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)       Fauzi,  R.,  Ghazali,  A.  S.,  &  Othman,  M.  R.  (2012).
                                                         Pendekatan  baharu  ke  Arah  Pendemokrasian
                BSoc.Sc., (Hons) Political Science       Negara  Dengan  Menggunakan  Model  Ruangan
                   Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)       Pengundian  serta  Aplikasi  Sistem  maklumat
                                                         Geografi  dan  Pilihan  Raya.  Jurnal  Demokrasi  dan
                                                         Pilihan Raya, 1(1), 5-14.
              UMEXPERT LINK
                                                         Project  Leader,  15th  General  Election  Research
             RESEARCHER ID                               Project  for  Astro  Awani  channel  (Project  title:
             B-9614-2010 (Web of Science)                Malaysian  Political  Narrative  Ahead  of  the  15th
          General  Election  from  a  Geographical  &  GIS
                                                         Perspective), 2022-2023.
                                                         Consultant,  National  Atlas  Project,  Department  of
             SCOPUS ID                                   Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM), 2014-2015.
             6508044388                                  Consultant, GIS and Big Data Project, FGV Prodata
                                                         Systems, 2016-2017

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