Page 69 - 2025 FASS PROFILE BOOK (18 x 24 cm)
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                                      department of geography

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS
                                                          Marine ecology and biogeography
                                                          Marine conservation
                                                          Seagrass ecosystems

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          Species  distribution  patterns,  biodiversity
                                                          assessment, seagrass restoration

                                                      SELECTED PUBLICATIONS
                                                         Du, J., Ooi, J. L.-S., Hu, W., & Chen, B. (2023). Flora
                                                         and  Fauna  of  Seagrass  Beds  in  and  around  the
                                                         South China Sea. Beijing: Science Press.
             associate prof. dr.                         Ooi,  J.  L.-S.  (2022).  Kaedah  Pengumpulan  Data
             JILLIAN OOI LEAN SIM                        Biogeografi  Rumput  Laut.  In  F.  B.  Mustafa  (Ed.),
                                                         Metodologi  Terpilih  dalam  Geografi  (pp.  105-129).
                           Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya.
                                                         Heng, H. W. K., Ooi, J. L. S., Affendi, Y. A., Alfian, A.
                                                         A.  K.,  &  Ponnampalam,  L.  S.  (2022).  Dugong
             EDUCATION                                   feeding  grounds  and  spatial  feeding  patterns  in
                PhD in Seagrass Biogeography             subtidal  seagrass:  A  case  study  at  Sibu
                    University of Western Australia      Archipelago, Malaysia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf
                                                         Science, 264, 107670.
                M. Tech Environmental Management
                    Universiti Malaya (UM)               Ooi,  J.  L.  S.,  Van  Niel,  K.  P.,  Kendrick,  G.  A.,  &
                                                         Holmes, K. W. (2014). Spatial structure of seagrass
                B.A. Environmental Studies (First Class)  suggests  that  size-dependent  plant  traits  have  a
                    Universiti Malaya (UM)               strong   influence   on   the   distribution   and
                                                         maintenance  of  tropical  multispecies  meadows.
                                                         PLoS ONE, 9, e86782.
              UMEXPERT LINK
                                                         Pew  Fellow  in  Marine  Conservation,  The  Pew
             RESEARCHER ID                               Charitable Trusts, 2022.
             B-5252-2010 (Web of Science)                Komai   Fellowship   Award,   Hitachi   Global
          Foundation, 2015.
                                                         Endeavour  International  Postgraduate  Scholarship,
                                                         Government of Australia and University of Western
                                                         Australia, 2008.

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