Page 134 - 221015 Prospectus 20222023
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               Kursus Teras                        Kursus Elektif               Politik Etnik Cina di Asia Tenggara Maritim
               Core Courses                        Elective Courses
                                                                                Ethnic Chinese Politics in Maritime Southeast
        AII1003                             Pilih EMPAT (4) kursus sahaja
        Bahasa Cina Dalam Teks Moden        Choose FOUR (4) courses only        AII3024
        Chinese in Modern Texts                                                 Prosa Terpilih dalam Sastera China Klasik
                                                                                Selected  Prose  in  Classical  Chinese
        AII1004                             AII2005                             Literature
        Bahasa Cina Dalam Teks Klasik       Filem dan Drama Cina Moden
        Chinese In Classical Texts          Modern Chinese Film and Drama       AII3025
                                                                                Kritikan Sastera China
        AII1010                             AII2006                             Chinese Literature Critiques
        Pengenalan Sastera China            Kebudayaan dan Masyarakat Cina di Asia
        Introduction of Chinese Literature  Tenggara                            AII3026
                                            Chinese Culture and Society in Southeast   Pilihan Novel Dinasti Ming dan Qing
        AII1011                             Asia                                Selected Novels of Ming and Qing
        Sastera China Klasik I                                                  Dynasties
        Classical Chinese Literature I      AII2016
                                            Kajian Masyarakat Cina Malaysia     AII3027
        AII1012                             Studies of Malaysian Chinese Communities  Pemikiran China Klasik
        Politik, Institusi dan Budaya China Klasik                              Classical Chinese Thought
        Classical Chinese Politic, Instituition and   AII2020
        Culture                             Puisi China Klasik
                                            Classical Chinese Poetry
        Sastera China Klasik II             AII2021                                China has undoubtedly one of
        Classical Chinese Literature II     Kesusasteraan Cina Kontemporari        the most multifaceted cultures,
                                            Contemporary Chinese Literature
        AII1015                                                                    history and politics in the world.
                                                                                   Its civilization spans thousands of
        Penulisan Kreatif Cina              AII2022                                years and encompasses triumphs
        Chinese Creative Writing            Pengantar Pengajian Cina
                                            Introduction to Chinese Studies        that stand witness until today.
        AII1016                                                                    This   programme    introduces
        Fiksyen China Klasik                AII2023                                students to the various aspects
        Classical Chinese Fiction           Perang  Dingin  dan  Orang  Cina  Seberang   of the Chinese community – its
                                            Laut di Asia
        AII2001                             The Cold War and The Overseas Chinese in   language, rich culture, writing,
                                                                                   literature  and  the  history  of
        Sinografi dan Tulisan Kuno Cina     Asia                                   China. The programme offers an
        Sinography and Chinese Ancient Scripts
                                            AII2026                                expansive view into Chinese Studies
        AII2002                             Pengantar Agama Cina                   by emphasising two main areas, the
                                                                                   language and literature as well as
        Metodologi Penyelidikan Pengajian Cina   Introduction to Chinese Religion  the socio-culture.
        Research Methodology in Chinese Studies
        AII2019                             Aktiviti-aktiviti Ekonomi Cina Asia Tenggara   Career Opportunity
        Sejarah Falsafah Cina               Economic Activities of Southeast Asian
        History of Chinese Philosophy       Chinese
                                                                                   •   Author
        AII2024                             AII2028
        Sastera China Moden                 Bahasa Cina I                          •   Cultural Guide
        Modern Chinese Literature           Chinese Language I
                                                                                   •   Cultural Historian
        AII2025                             AII2029
        Pilihan Ci China Klasik             Bahasa Cina II                         •   Editor
        Selected Ci in Classical Chinese    Chinese Language II
                                                                                   •   Educator
        AII3018                             AII3019
        Kesusasteraan Mahua                 Drama China Klasik                     •   Journalist
        Malaysian Chinese Literature        Classical Chinese Drama
                                                                                   •   Market Researcher
        AII3028                             AII3020
        Projek Penyelidikan                 Analisis Teks China Klasik             •   Researcher
        Research Project                    Analysis of Classical Chinese Texts
                                                                                   •   Social Right Advocate
        AII3029                             AII3021
        Latihan Industri                    Fonetik dan Fonologi Bahasa Cina
        Industrial Training                 Chinese Phonetics and Phonology
                                            Dialektologi Cina
                                            Chinese Dialectology
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