Page 146 - 221015 Prospectus 20222023
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                                            AIJ4009                             AIJ4003
               Kursus Teras                 Projek Penyelidikan                 Pemulihan dan Jagaan
               Core Courses
                                            Research Project                    Rehabilitation and Care
        AIJ1001                             AIJ4010                             AIJ4004
        Dinamika Sosial                     Undang-undang Kebajikan, Kesihatan dan   Latihan dan Pembangunan
        Social Dynamics                     Keselamatan Pekerjaan               Training and Development
                                            The Law of Welfare, Health and Occupa-
        AIJ1002                             tional Safety                       AIJ4005
        Sistem Kebajikan                                                        Strategi Intervensi
        Welfare System                                                          Intervention Strategy
                                                   Kursus Elektif
        AIJ1003                                    Elective Courses             AIJ4006
        Asas Tingkah Laku Manusia                                               Pengawasan Komuniti
        Basic of Human Behaviour            Pilih SEPULUH (10) kursus sahaja    Community Policing
                                            Choose TEN (10) courses only
        AIJ1004                                                                 AIJ4007
        Pengenalan Pengurusan Perkhidmatan   AIJ2007                            Kebajikan Kanak-kanak
        Manusia                             Jenayah dan Keadilan Jenayah        Child Welfare
        Introduction to Management of Human   Crime and Criminal Justice
        Services                                                                AIJ4008
                                            AIJ2008                             Inovasi dan Keusahawanan Sosial
        AIJ1005                             Organisasi Sosial Kerja             Innovation and Social Entrepreneur
        Pengantar Masalah Sosial            Social Organization of Work
        Introduction to Social Problem
        AIJ1006                             Perancangan Sosial
        Prinsip Kerja Sosial                Social Planning                        The programme offers a mixture
        Principle of Social Work                                                   of Social Policy, Social Welfare and
                                            AIJ2010                                Social Work, Social Law and even
        AIJ1007                             Penelitian Silang Budaya Keluarga di   containing  some  Public  and  Social
        Kemahiran Interpersonal             Malaysia                               Management. This particular mix,
        Interpersonal Skill                 Cross-cultural Study of Family in Malaysia  allied of course to the Malaysian
                                                                                   orientation of much of the syllabus,
        AIJ2001                             AIJ2011                                makes  the programme  unique.  It
        Dasar Sosial                        Kerja Sosial Gerontologi               accurately  reflects  the  needs  of
        Social Policy                       Social Work Gerontological             Malaysia at the present stage of its
                                                                                   economic and social development.
        AIJ2003                             AIJ2012
        Perlakuan Organisasi                Kerja Sosial dan Kesihatan Mental      The    inclusion  of  practical
        Organization Behavior               Social Work and Mental Health          placements or a semi-vocational
                                                                                   course in the programme provides
        AIJ2004                             AIJ3003                                opportunity to put into practice
        Kerja Sosial dengan Individu dan Keluarga   Pencegahan Jenayah             lessons learned in the lecture room.
        Social Work with Individuals and Families  Crime Prevention                Our students value this element,
                                                                                   believing  it  to  provide  them  with
        AIJ2013                             AIJ3004                                an opportunity to test out possible
        Kriminologi                         Kerja Sosial Perubatan                 careers.
        Criminology                         Medical Social Work
                                                                                       Career Opportunity
        AIJ2014                             AIJ3005
        Perundangan dalam Praktis Kerja Sosial   Evaluasi dan Pemantauan Sosial Social
        Legislative in Social Work Practices  Evaluation and Monitoring            •   Social Planners
        AIJ2015                             AIJ3006                                •   Campaign Manager/Project
        Penelitian Analitikal dalam Pentadbiran   Pembangunan Komuniti                 Manager
        Sosial                              Community Development
        Analytical Investigation in Social                                         •   Social Workers
        Administration                      AIJ3010
                                            Kerja Sosial Kumpulan Rentan           •   Market Researcher
        AIJ2016                             Social Work with Marginalised Group
        Inkuiri Sosial                                                             •   Social Policy Manager
        Social Enquiry                      AIJ3011
                                            Pengurusan Masalah Sosial              •   Social Rights Advocate
        AIJ3001                             Social Problem Management
        Bacaan Terarah                                                             •   Officers In Various Human
        Directed Reading                    AIJ3012                                    Services Organisations
                                            Pengajian Ketidakupayaan
        AIJ3002                             Disability Studies                     •   Human Resource Managers
        Kerja Sosial Kumpulan
        Social Work with Groups             AIJ4002                                •   Social/Business Enterpreneurs
                                            Jaliran Sosial
        AIJ3009                             Social Extension                       •   Planning Consultant
        Latihan Industri
        Industrial Training
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