Page 28 - 221015 Prospectus 20222023
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               Kursus Teras                        Kursus Elektif               Psikologi Gelagat Manusia dan Pekerjaan
               Core Courses                        Elective Courses
                                                                                Psychology of Human Behavior and Work
        AIA1002                             Pilih DUA (2) kursus sahaja         AIA3020
        Pengenalan Kepada Etnografi         Choose TWO (2) courses only         Manusia dan Budaya Borneo
        Introduction to Ethnography                                             People and Culture of Borneo
        AIA1005                             Pemikiran Sosial Kontemporari       AIA3022
        Pengantar Antropologi dan Sosiologi   Contemporary Social Thought       Psikologi Abnormal
        Introduction to Anthropology and                                        Abnormal Psychology
        Sociology                           AIA2005
                                            Pembangunan Lestari                 AIA3023
        AIA1007                             Sustainable Development             Sosiologi Penyimpangan
        Pengantar Psikologi                                                     Sociology of Deviance
        Introduction to Psychology          AIA2008
                                            Etnografi Silang Budaya             AIA3026
        AIA1009                             Cross Cultural Ethnography          Antropologi Gunaan
        Pembangunan dan Komuniti Terpinggir                                     Applied Anthropology
        Development and Marginalised        AIA2011
        Communities                         Agama dan Masyarakat                AIA3030
                                            Religion and Society                Etnografi Bandar
        AIA1013                                                                 Urban Ethnography
        Komuniti dan Persekitaran           AIA2014
        Community and Environment           Identiti, Kepelbagaian dan Komuniti   AIA3032
                                            Identity, Diversity and Community   Sosiologi Adab
        AIA2007                                                                 Sociology of Manners
        Ketaksamaan Sosial                  AIA2022
        Social Inequality                   Remaja dan Masalah Psikososial      AIA3033
                                            Adolescent and Psychosocial Problem  Psikologi Kesihatan
        AIA2024                                                                 Health Psychology
        Psikologi Kerja                     AIA2032
        Work Psychology                     Gerontologi
        Seni, Agama dan Ritual              AIA2033
        Arts, Religion and Ritual           Sosiologi Kependudukan                 The  study  of anthropology  and
                                            Sociology of Population                sociology basically entails an in-
        AIA2036                                                                    depth study of human cultures and
        Pembangunan Organisasi              AIA2037                                societies, their history and what’s
        Organizational Development          Demografi dan Pembangunan              currently going on, by comparing
                                            Demographic and Development            cultures and society to one another.
        AIA2042                                                                    Students of this programme will
        Kaedah Penelitian dalam Antropologi dan   AIA2038                          delve further into the depth and
        Sosiologi                           Psikologi Personaliti                  width  of cultures  and societies
        Research Methods in Anthropology and   Personality Psychology              of  the  world  by  analyzing  and
        Sociology                                                                  understanding the social structures,
                                            AIA2039                                institutions and values that make us
        AIA2043                             Makanan dan Budaya                     who we are.
        Sains Penerokaan Lapangan           Food and Culture
        Field Exploration Science
                                            AIA2040                                    Career Opportunity
        AIA3003                             Psikologi Keluarga
        Sosiologi Penghijrahan              Family Psychology
        Sociology of Migration                                                     •   Diplomatic and Public
        AIA3007                             Tingkahlaku Kepenggunaan               •   Administration
        Antropologi Visual                  Consumption Behavior
        Visual Anthropology                                                        •   Various private and corporate
                                            AIA2044                                    sectors
        AIA3016                             Pengetahuan Asal dan Keilmuan
        Komuniti dan Pengkomersialan        Indigenous Knowledge and Scholarship   •   Human Resource Management
        Community and Commerce                                                             Educator
        AIA3018                             Migrasi dari Perspektif Global         •   Researcher Assistant
        Psikologi Sosial                    Migration in Global Perspective
        Social Psychology
        AIA3028                             Motivasi dan Kepimpinan Organisasi
        Projek Penyelidikan                 Organizational Motivation and Leadership
        Research Project
        AIA4002                             Psikologi Kognitif
        Latihan Industri                    Cognitive Psychology
        Industrial Training
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