Page 37 - 221015 Prospectus 20222023
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         The Department of Geography,     In  terms  of academic  staff  in the
         University of Malaya was established   Department  of  Geography,  it
         in Lembah Pantai in 1959. Sixty-two   comprises lecturers with expertise   Dr Amer Saifude Ghazali
         years  since its  establishment,  the   in  their  respective  fields  based  on   BA (Hons) (Malaya), MA (UKM), PhD (Malaya)
         Department of Geography continues   the programs offered in line with the
         to improve the quality of its education   Quality Policy of the University of   Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
         for  producing  human capital  with   Malaya. They are also very active in   Electoral  Behaviour,  Electoral  geography,
         skills and expertise in the field of   conducting research both at home   and Political Geography
         sub-certain specialisations including   and abroad.
         geographical aspects.                                                     Dr Jillian Ooi Lean Sim
                                          Also fueling the enthusiasm of           BA (Malaya), MTech (Malaya), PhD (Western
         The development of geography began   the department’s members is a        Australia)
         as an academic subject at the higher   distinguished  alumnus  from  the
         education level in 1928 at Raffles   Department of Geography, YBhg.       Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
         College, Singapore, which was then   Prof.  Dato’  Dr.  Ghazali  bin  Dato’   Biogeography (Marine Habitat Mapping,
         known as Tanah Malaya. Twenty-   Mohd. Yusoff, the Executive Chairman     Species  Distribution  Modelling,  Functional
         one years later, it achieved university   and Managing Director of Nusantara   Habitat  Complexity)  and  Seagrass
         status by the name Universiti Malaya,   Technologies Sdn. Bhd. He is an   Ecosystems (Seagrass Spatial Structure,
         which was established in 1949, also   intellectual figure and entrepreneur   Habitat Requirements, And Ecosystem
         in Singapore. After the independence   in Malaysia. Adding to that, the   Functions)
         of the Federation of Malaya in 1957,   academic field is filled with many
         a campus was established in an   respective figures including YBhg.       Dr Mariney Mohd Yusoff
         area with a beautiful topography in   Prof. Assoc. Ts. Dr. Ramzah Dambul,   BA (Hons) (Malaya), MA (Malaya), PhD (Leeds)
         Lembah Pantai located in the western   who is currently the Deputy Vice-
         part of Kuala Lumpur two years   Chancellor (Research and Innovation)     Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
         later. At that time, the Department   of  Universiti  Malaysia  Sabah  (UMS)   Urban Geography, Flash Flood Studies, and
         of Geography was created with five   and YBhg. Professor Dr. Mohd Rafi    Social Impact Studies
         academic staff and one general staff.  Bin Yaacob is Deputy Vice Chancellor,   Dr Nisfariza Mohd Noor
                                          Academic & International, Universiti     MSc (UPM), PhD (Nottingham)
         Today, the Department of Geography   Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).
         has grown by offering programs for                                        Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
         the Bachelor’s Degree in Geography   Hence, it is the pride of the Geography   Geographical  Information  System
         as well as Master of Arts (MA) and   Department to always be committed    Applications  (Precision  Agriculture,
         Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees.   to improving the education system,   Vegetation  Mapping,  Landuse  and
         At the Bachelor’s Degree and Higher   learning process and research among   Environmental Change and AHP Suitability
         Degree  level,  students  have  the   students.                           Mapping), Hyperspectral Remote sensing
         opportunity  to study  various  sub-                                      (Satellite and Drone, Image Processing
         specialisation fields that include Social                                 and  Analysis  in  Physical  Environment  and
         Geography,  Physical  Geography,                                          Disease Detection in Crops), and Big Data
         Urban    Geography,    Political                                          Analytics and Geospatial Data Integration
         Geography, Economic Geography,
         Transport  Geography,  Natural                                            Dr Nor Shahida Azali
         Disaster Geography, Biogeography,                                         BA (Hons) (Malaya), MA (Malaya), PhD (Malaya)
         Geographical Information  Systems,
         Remote Sensing and other courses                                          Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
         related to the discipline of Geography.                                   Physical Geography (Physical Processes,
         On top of that, students also have the                                    Morphology),  Geomorphology  (Coastal
         flexibility to develop geographical                                       Processes,  Coastal  Geomorphology),
         knowledge with other disciplines                                          and Vulnerability Studies (Vulnerability
         through  collaboration  programs                                          Modelling, Risks Analysis)
         provided at the University of Malaya.
                                                                                   Dr Sheeba Nettukandy Chenoli
                                                                                   MSc, MTech, (CUSAT), PhD (Malaya)
         In addition, the application of new
         curriculum  values  in  the study
         program in the Department of                                              Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
                                                                                   Polar  Meteorology  &  Climatology  and
         Geography, which is evaluated every
         five years, can ensure continuous                                         Monsoon Meteorology, Extreme Weather
                                                                                   and  Flood,  and  Climate  Change,  Climate
         quality improvement and relevance to
         market needs and current conditions.                                      of the Antarctic and Teleconnections to
         For instance, students are exposed                                        Tropics
         to the use of new technology in
         education and research, industrial                                        Dr Tengku Adeline Adura Tengku Hamzah
         training  and  student  exchange                                          BSc (Hons) (Malaya), MEnv (UPM), PhD (Durham)
         programs to increase added market
         value and competitive spirit among                                        Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:  and
         them to enter the world of work.
         conducting research both at home                                          Environmental Governance
         and abroad.
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