Page 55 - 221015 Prospectus 20222023
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        writers They will read selected extracts   berkenaan  zaman  kanak-kanak  dan  AIC3021
        from different genres as well as fulllength   remaja, dan akan mengambilkira teori-teori   Projek Penyelidikan II
        texts. The course will encourage students   berkaitan dengan kesusasteraan kanak-  Research Project II
        to explore the development of the American   kanak dan remaja dari abad ke-19 sehingga
        literary tradition and the political, social and   kini. Bahan pembelajaran dan rujukan akan   Kursus ini menggunakan kerja persiapan
        cultural forces which shaped the tradition.  merangkumi  teks-teks  klasik  dari  zaman   yang  dibuat  dalam  kursus  AIC3020
                                            gemilang kesusasteraan kanak-kanak dan   Projek Penyelidikan I. Pelajar dikehendaki
                                            juga dari pelbagai budaya dan tradisi, dan   menghasilkan  sebuah  esei  kritikan
                                            modul pembelajaran akan mengambilkira   berasaskan  penyelidikan  (8-10  ribu
                                            status dan perkembangan kesusasteraan   perkataan),  mengenai  topic  literari  yang
        AIC3014                             kanak-kanak dan remaja di Malaysia.  dipilih oleh pelajar dan penyelia berkenaan.
        Kesusasteraan Malaysia                                                  Esei  ini  harus  dihantar  pada  akhir  minggu
        Malaysian Literature                This course introduces students to the   ke- 14 semester.
                                            numerous key texts in children’s and
        Kursus ini memperkenalkan sebilangan   young adult literature from a wide range   This course builds on preparatory work done
        teks kesusasteraan yang dihasilkan dalam   of genres such as picture books, folk and   in AIC3020 Research Project I. It requires
        pelbagai bahasa oleh penulis Malaysia demi   fairy tales, poetry, fables, animal tales,   students to produce a long research-based
        mewujudkan kesedaran dan pengamatan   fantasy, adventure and domestic fiction, as   critical essay (8-10 thousand words) on a
        terhadap warisan sastera kepelbagaian   well as classic and contemporary novels,   literary topic to be decided by the student
        budaya dan bahasa di negara ini. Analisis   and from a variety of historical and cultural   and his or her supervisor. This is to be
        teks dalam kursus ini akan dipertempatkan   contexts. The course will examine changing   submitted at the end of week 14 of the
        dalam  konteks  wacana  terkini identiti,   attitudes towards ideas of childhood   semester.
        budaya  dan  semangat  kebangsaan  di   and  adolescence,  and  engage  with  the
        Malaysia.                           critical  and theoretical  discourses linked
                                            to children’s and young adult literature
        This course introduces a number of   from the nineteenth-century to the present.
        representative literary texts produced   Materials will range from classics of the   AIC4002
        by  the  various  linguistic  communities  in   Golden Age of children’s literature to   Latihan Industri
        Malaysia in  order to give students  a fair   contemporary, multicultural representations   Industrial Training
        appreciation of the rich multicultural and   of childhood and young adulthood, and
        multilingual literary heritage of the country.   modules will include discussions on the   Kursus ini mendedahkan pelajar kepada
        Analysis of the texts will be contextualized   status and development of youth literature   persekitaran  kerja  yang  sebenar
        in terms of the current discourse on identity,   in Malaysia.           dan memberi mereka peluang untuk
        nationhood and culture in Malaysia.                                     mengenalpasti prospek kerja di industry
                                                                                yang relevan. Pelajar juga diberi peluang
                                                                                untuk menggunakan kemahiran yang telah
                                                                                dipelajari dalam program akademik mereka
                                            AIC3020                             dalam  cara  yang  praktikal.  Mereka
        AIC3016                             Projek Penyelidikan I               dikehendaki  menulis  rekod  tentang
        Membaca Kesusasteraan Dunia         Research Project I                  pengalaman  kerja  dan  menyerahkan
        Reading World Literature                                                laporan di akhir tempoh latihan mereka.
                                            Kursus ini menyediakan pelajar untuk menulis
        Kursus ini akan mendedahkan pelajar   esei kritikal yang panjang, berasaskan   This course exposes students to actual
        kepada   pelbagai  idea  dan   teks  penyelidikan (8-10 ribu perkataan). Mereka   work environments and gives them the
        kesusasteraan yang boleh dirangkumi di   akan menulis tentang topik yang akan   opportunity  to  identify  possible  job
        bawah penulisan  kesusasteraan  ‘dunia’.   dipilih oleh pelajar dan penyelia. Pelajar   prospects in relevant industries. Students
        Antara  teks  dan  ekstrak  yang  boleh  dikaji   dikehendaki menulis bibliografi, nota-nota   also  have the  opportunity  to  apply  skills
        adalah termasuk puisi kontemporari, teknik   kritikal tentang bahan sumber, menyediakan   acquired in their academic programme in
        penulisan ‘magic realism,’ karya Franz   kajian sastera, dan pilih rangka teori yang   a practical and hands-on manner. They will
        Kafka, serta novel grafik terkini.  sesuai.  Pelajar  juga dikehendaki  membuat   be required to record their job experiences
                                            pembentangan proposal dihadapan ahli   and write a report at the end of their
        This course will introduce students to   Jabatan. Pada akhir semester, pelajar harus   internship.
        the various ideas and texts that are   mengemukakan bab pengenalan.
        considered as ‘world’ writing today. Some
        of the texts which can be dealt with   This course prepares students to produce
        include contemporary world poetry, Latin   a long research-based critical essay (8-
        American magic realism, Franz Kafka, and   10 thousand words) on a literary topic to
        contemporary graphic novels.        be decided by the student and his or her
                                            supervisor. The student will need to prepare
                                            a bibliography, produce critical notes on the
                                            source material, prepare a literature review,
        AIC3018                             and decide on a theoretical framework.
        Kesusasteraan Kanak-kanak dan Remaja   The student will also have to do a proposal
        Children’s and Young Adult Literature  presentation  to an audience  consisting of
                                            members  of  the  department.  At  the  end
        Kursus  ini  mendedahkan  pelajar  ke  of the semester, students must submit an
        teks-teks  penting  di-dalam  bidang  Introductory chapter.
        kesusasteraan kanak-kanak dan remaja dari
        pelbagai genre, budaya dan tradisi, seperti
        buku berillustrasi, cerita rakyat, puisi, cerita
        binatang, fantasi, kisah domestik dan
        pengembaraan, serta novel-novel klasik
        dan kontemporari. Kursus ini akan meneliti
        pelbagai perubahan dalam tanggapan
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