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Tenaga Akademik Jabatan
Academic Staff
Sarjana Muda Pengajian Alam Sekitar
Jabatan Geografi Ketua Jabatan / Head of Department
Prof Dr Norhaslina Binti Hassan
BSc (Cum Laude) (Wisconsin), MUP (Kansas),
Bachelor of Environmental Studies
Department of Geography Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
Urban and Regional Economic Modelling,
Urban Studies, and Sustainable Development
and Planning
Pengajian Alam Sekitar telah ditubuhkan The program of Environmental Studies Profesor Kehormat / Honorary Professor
di Universiti Malaya sejak tahun 1991 di has been established at the University of Dato’ Prof Dr Azizan Bin Hj Abu Samah
bawah pentadbiran Jabatan Geografi, Malaya in 1991 under the administration of BSc (Hons) (Monash), MSc (La Trobe),
Fakulti Sastera dan Sains Sosial. Sepanjang the Department of Geography, Faculty of PhD (Reading)
tempoh tiga puluh satu tahun program Arts and Social Sciences. Throughout the
ini ditubuhkan, ia semakin matang dalam thirty-one years since its establishment, it Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
melahirkan graduan yang berilmu, kreatif has matured in producing knowledgeable, Polar Meteorology & Climatology, Monsoon
dan berdaya saing serta mampu untuk creative and competitive graduates who Meteorology & Climatology, and Air Pollution
berhadapan dengan persekitaran yang can deal with an increasingly challenging
semakin mencabar selain daripada environment in addition to being able to Meteorology
berupaya memahami, mengaplikasi dan understand, apply and adapt knowledge, Associate Prof Dr Aziz Bin Shafie
mengadaptasi pengetahuan khususnya especially in the context of a sustainable
dalam konteks alam sekitar mampan. environment. BA (Hons) (Malaya), MSc (USM), PhD (USM)
Program Pengajian Alam Sekitar The Environmental Studies Program offers Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
menawarkan program Sarjana Muda iaitu a Bachelor’s course, namely the Bachelor’s Social and Cultural Geography (Spatial
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengajian Alam Sekitar Degree in Environmental Studies and Demography), Environmental Geography
dan Pengajian Siswazah melibatkan Sarjana Graduate Studies involving a Master of (Health GIS)
Sastera (MA) dan Doktor Falsafah (PhD) Arts (MA) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
secara penyelidikan di peringkat Ijazah by research at the Higher Degree level. Associate Prof Dr Firuza Begham Binti
Tinggi. Program di peringkat Sarjana Muda Programs at the Bachelor’s level include Mustafa
merangkumi pelbagai sub-pengkhususan various sub-specialisations such as the
iaitu Alam Sekitar Fizikal dan Manusia, Physical and Human Environment, Global BDev.Sc. (Hons) (UKM), MSc (UKM), PhD (UKM)
Perubahan Alam Sekitar Global, Sistem Environmental Change, Geographical
Informasi Geografi, Penderiaan Jauh, Information Systems, Remote Sensing, Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
Perundangan Alam Sekitar, Penilaian Environmental Legislation, Environmental Environmental Impact Assessment
Impak Alam Sekitar (EIA), Biogeografi, Impact Assessment (EIA), Biogeography, (EIA) (Environmental Management),
Kartografi, Isu Kelestarian, Isu dan Cartography, Sustainability Issues, Issues Environmental Geography (Agricultural
Cabaran Alam Sekitar dan sebagainya. and Environmental Challenges. Meanwhile, Geography, Soil and Land Use Change), and
Manakala bagi pelajar MA dan Ph.D pula MA and PhD students can conduct
boleh menjalankan penyelidikan di bawah research under the supervision of lecturers Aquaculture Management, Environmental &
penyeliaan pensyarah mengikut kepakaran according to their respective fields of Social Impacts
bidang masing-masing. expertise.
Associate Prof Dr Rosmadi Bin Fauzi
Sejajar dengan ini juga, pelaksanaan In line with this, the implementation of a new BSoc.Sc. (Hons) (USM), MSc (USM), PhD (USM)
kurikulum baharu bagi program Pengajian curriculum for the Environmental Studies
Alam Sekitar serta penilaian setiap lima program and evaluation every five years
tahun sekali dapat mempertingkatkan dan can improve and develop the teaching and Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
memperkembangkan proses pengajaran learning process as well as research in line Geographic Information Systems (GIS),
dan pembelajaran serta penyelidikan with market needs and current conditions. Spatial Politics & Electoral, and Spatial Social
sejajar dengan keperluan pasaran dan In addition, scientific training, industrial Science & Social Geography
keadaan semasa. Selain itu, latihan ilmiah, training, student exchange programs and
latihan industri, program pertukaran new courses introduced can enhance the Associate Prof Datin Dr Safiah @ Yusmah
pelajar dan kursus-kursus baru yang spirit of competitiveness and marketability Binti Muhammad Yusoff
diperkenalkan mampu mempertingkatkan among students besides providing new
semangat daya saing dan kebolehpasaran opportunities for students to venture into BSc (Hons) (Malaya), MSc (Malaya), PhD (Wales)
di kalangan pelajar serta membuka peluang after completing their studies within the
yang baru untuk diceburi oleh para pelajar stipulated period. Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
setelah tamat pengajian dalam tempoh Natural Resource (Human-Water
yang ditetapkan. In terms of teaching staff, it involves Interactions & Hydrology), Environmental
experts in their respective fields and those Geography (Community’s Flood
Manakala dari segi tenaga pengajar pula involved in research projects either at the Adaptation, Vulnerability and Resilience &
adalah merupakan pakar dalam bidang local or international level. In addition, they
masing-masing serta terlibat dengan are committed to improving the education Integrated Water Resources Management),
projek penyelidikan sama ada di peringkat system, learning and research processes Environmental Protection (Urban Forest,
tempatan ataupun antarabangsa. apart from guiding students in line with Urban Green or Urban Spaces)
Selain itu, mereka turut komited dalam the Education Goals of the University of
mempertingkatkan sistem pendidikan, Malaya. Dr Abd Rahman Bin Roslan
proses pembelajaran dan penyelidikan BA (Hons) (Malaya), MA (Malaya), PhD (Malaya)
serta mampu membimbing pelajar sejajar
dengan Matlamat Pendidikan Universiti Bidang Kepakaran / Expertise:
Economic Geography, Transport Geography,
and Retail Geography