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                           department of library and information science

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS
                                                          Information & Digital Literacy
                                                          Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
                                                          Community & Rural Development.

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          Library services & information management, digital
                                                          &  information  literacy,  user  needs  &  behaviour,
                                                          information services for rural advancement, the use
                                                          of ICT for development, community development.

                                                      SELECTED PUBLICATIONS
                                                         Samsuddin,  S.  F.,  Mohamed  Shaffril,  H.  A.,
             SAMSUL FARID SAMSUDDIn                      Mohamed,  N.  A.,  &  Bolong,  J.  (2021).  Into  the
                                                         unknown:  Do  people  in  low  literacy  rate  areas
                          practise  digital  reading?  Malaysian  Journal  of
                                                         Library and Information Science, 26(2), 23-36.
             EDUCATION                                   Samsuddin, S. F., Mohamed Shaffril, H. A., & Fauzi,
                                                         A.  (2020).  Heigh-ho,  Heigh-ho,  To  the  Rural
                PhD (Rural Advancement)                  Libraries  we  go!  -  A  Systematic  Literature  Review.
                    Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)      Library and Information Science Research. Advance
                                                         online publication. (Q2)
                ML&IS, (Library and Information Science)
                   Universiti Malaya (UM)                Samsuddin, S. F., Mohamed Shaffril, H. A., Bolong,
                                                         J.,  &  Mohamed,  N.  A.  (2019).  Understanding  the
                BSc Info Studies (Hons) (Library & Information  reading  habit  and  attitudes  among  the  rural
                Management)                              community  in  low  literacy  rate  areas  in  Malaysia:
                   Universiti Teknologi Mara (Uitm)      Rural  library  perspectives.  Library  Management,
                                                         41(1), 39-52. (SCOPUS)
              UMEXPERT LINK
                                                       SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS
             RESEARCHER ID                                Librarians  Association  of  Malaysia  (PPM)  Writing
             W-6732-2018 (Web of Science)                 Award 2019/2020.
           Consultation  Project  –  Data  Perbukuan  Negara
                                                          2022/2023 (National Library of Malaysia)
                                                          Council  Member  for  Librarians  Association  of
             SCOPUS ID                                    Malaysia  (PPM)  and  Chairman  for  Publication  &
             56674406100                                  Content Development Committee, PPM.

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