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                                    department of chinese studies

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS
                                                          Classical Chinese Drama
                                                          Modern & Contemporary Chinese Literature,
                                                          Mahua Literature

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          Classical Chinese Drama, Modern and
                                                          Contemporary Chinese Literature, Mahua

                                                      SELECTED PUBLICATIONS
                                                         Teoh,  H.  S.  (2023).  The  imprints  of  women's
              dr.                                        education in Nanyang: Graphics of Nanyang female
              Teoh Hooi See                              intellectuals in early modern Chinese pictorials and
                                                         magazines and its significance. In Research on the
                          Literature and History of the Late Qing Dynasty (pp.
                                                         86-113). Beijing: The Oriental Press.
                                                         Teoh, H. S. (2022). Scientific awareness and local
             EDUCATION                                   knowledge:  Characteristics  of  travelogues  by  a
                                                         Chinese Southern Traveler in the 1920s and 1930s. In
                PhD (Chinese Ancient Literature)
                   University of Peking, Beijing, China  T. K. Tong, N. K. Chew, & K. C. Ko (Eds.), Sinophone
                                                         Malaysian Literature, A History through Literary and
                MA (Chinese Studies)                     Cultural Texts. Taipei: China Times Publishing Co.
                   Universiti Malaya (UM)                Teoh,  H.  S.  (2022).  Geographical  encyclopedia,
                                                         science,   and   travel   consciousness:   Malaya
                BA (Hons) (Chinese Studies)              travelogue and memoirs writing (1920-1940). In T. K.
                   Universiti Malaya (UM)                Tong & N. G. Peng (Eds.), Sinophone and the South.
                                                         Kaohsiung:  Unit  of  Diaspora/Modernity  Research
                                                         and  by  Center  for  the  Humanities,  National  Sun
              UMEXPERT LINK                              Yat-sen University.

             RESEARCHER ID                             SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS
             B-9949-2010 (Web of Science)                Most Supervised Master's Award (Research Mode),
                                                         UM, 2022.
             SCOPUS ID                                   Excellent Staff Award, FASS, UM, 2018.
             56377373800                                 Excellent Service Award (SPC), UM, 2017.

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