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                                  department of east asian studies

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS
                                                          International business,
                                                          Cultural industries and policies
                                                          Economic development, trade and investment

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          Economic development, business strategy,
                                                          cultural industry, cultural policy,

                                                      SELECTED PUBLICATIONS
                                                         Parc, J., & Messerlin, P. (2021). The Untold Story of
             associate prof. dr.                         the  Korean  Film  Industry:  A  Global  Business  and
             jimmyn parc                                 Economic   Perspective.   Cham,   Switzerland:
                                                         Palgrave Macmillan.
                          Parc,  J.,  Park,  H.,  &  Kim,  K.  (2023).  The  Lagged
                                                         Development of the Korean Manhwa Industry from
                                                         1910  to  the  Present:  The  Formation  of  Negative
             EDUCATION                                   Perceptions. Archiv Orientální, 91(1), 169-196.
                PhD, Economic History                    Parc, J., Umana-Dajud, C., & Messerlin, P. (2022).
                   Sorbonne University, France           The Impact of Subsidies on Film Quality: Empirical
                                                         Evidence from France, Korea, the United Kingdom,
                PhD, International Studies
                   Seoul National University, South Korea  and   United   States.   The   Journal   of   Arts
                                                         Management, Law, and Society, 52(6), 419-434.
                MA, International Studies
                   Seoul National University, South Korea
                                                       SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS
                BA, (French Literature and Language)      Grant   Project:   “Africa’s   cultural   content
                Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea      development and its implication to Korea”, Hankuk
                                                          University  of  Foreign  Studies,  supported  and
              UMEXPERT LINK                               funded  by  Korea  Institute  for  International
      Economic  Policy  (KIEP),  March  2022-November
                                                          Grant  Project:  “The  emergence,  success  and
             RESEARCHER ID                                challenges of Hallyu: Korea as a “game changer” in
             AAD-4706-2020 (Web of Science)               global  cultural  industries”  as  Laboratory  Program
           for  Korean  Studies,  the  Korean  Studies  Promotion
                                                          Service (KSPS) of the Academy of Korean Studies
              SCOPUS ID                                   under  the  Ministry  of  Education,  Sept.  2015-Aug.
             55571814400                                  2021.

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