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                                        department of history

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS

                                                          Southeast Asian History
                                                          Chinese in Malaysia
                                                          History of Sabah

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          Southeast Asia, Chinese, Sabah, Vietnam.

                                                      SELECTED PUBLICATIONS
                                                         Wong, D. T. K. (2021). The Kinabalu Guerrillas and
             professor dr.                               the  Api  Uprising  1943  (A.  Chung,  Trans.).  Taipei:
                                                         National Yang Ming-Chiao Tung University Press &
             danny wong tze ken                          Hakka Development Center.
                               Wong,  D.  T.  K.,  &  Lee,  K.  H.  (Eds.).  (2021).  Wang
                                                         Gungwu and Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: University of
                                                         Malaya  Press.  (*Awarded  National  Book  Award
             EDUCATION                                   2022).
                                                         Wong, D. T. K., Tan, M. I., Por, H. H., & Tung, W. Q.
                PhD, (History)                           (2021). Grow and Lead: 115 Years of Kuala Lumpur-
                    Universiti Malaya (UM)
                                                         Selangor  Chinese  Chamber  of  Commerce.  Kuala
                MA (History)                             Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
                   Universiti Malaya (UM)                Wong,  D.  T.  K.  (2019).  One  Crowded  Moment  of
                                                         Glory:  The  Kinabalu  Guerrillas  and  the  Jesselton
                BA (Hons), (History)                     Uprising. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
                   Universiti Malaya (UM)                (*Awarded National Book Award 2019).

                                                         Wong, D. T. K., & Wu, X. (Eds.). (2019).  《 全 球 視 野
                                                                       》Chinese Studies in Malaysia
              UMEXPERT LINK                              下  的  新  ⾺  華  ⼈  研  究
                                                         and  Singapore  in  a  Global  Context.  Beijing:
         Scientific Publications Press.
             RESEARCHER ID                             SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS
             B-8425-2010 (Web of Science)                 Fellow  of  the  Academy  of  Sciences  Malaysia,
           Academy of Sciences Malaysia, 2023.
                                                          National Book Award, 2019 & 2022.
                                                          Fellow  of  the  Royal  Historical  Society,  Royal
             SCOPUS ID                                    Historical Society, 2021.

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