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                                        department of history

                                                       RESEARCH INTERESTS

                                                          Malay Sultanate
                                                          Religious Issue
                                                          Education in Malaysia/ Malay World
                                                          Women/Malay Women in Malaysia

                                                       RESEARCH KEYWORD
                                                          Historical thought, Malay Sultanate, women,
                                                          Malay manuscripts, History of Pahang.

                                                      SELECTED PUBLICATIONS
                                                         Mohd Noor, A. b. (2021). Literary And Intellectual
             associate prof. dr.                         Life  In  Nineteenth-Century  Penyengat  Island,  Riau
                                                         The Works of Raja Ali Haji. Al-Shajarah, 26(2), 197-
             ARBA'IYAH MOHD NOOR                         218.
                             Mohd  Sharif,  M.  S.  A.,  &  Mohd  Noor,  A.  (2022).
                                                         Perkembangan  Syarikat  Percetakan  Qalam  Press,
                                                         1948-1969. Jurnal Komunikasi, 38(1), 179-200.
             EDUCATION                                   Tahir,  A.,  Mohd  Noor,  A.,  Abdullah,  M.  F.,  Abu
                                                         Bakar,  S.  A.  S.,  &  Omar,  A.  (2023).  The  Visual
                PhD, (Historical Thought)                Report  Of  The  Perak  War  Based  On  Selected
                    Universiti Malaya (UM)
                                                         Newspaper Visuals From Britain And America, 1875-
                MA (History of Ideas)                    1876.  Jurnal  Komunikasi:  Malaysian  Journal  Of
                   Lancaster University, United Kingdom  Communication, 39(2), 97-118.
                                                         Sahidan, M. H., Abdullah, M. F., Mohd Noor, A., &
                BHSc (Hons), (History and Civilisation)  Hassan, N. M. (2023). Cholera Pandemic In Malaya:
                   International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)  A  Case  Study  In  The  State  Of  Kedah,  1907-1940.
                                                         Journal Of Sustainability Science And Management,
                                                         18(5), 162-178.
              UMEXPERT LINK

             RESEARCHER ID                             SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS
             B-8246-2010 (Web of Science)                 Awards  of  Bintang  Cemerlang  Melaka  (BCM)  by
           Governor of Melaka, 2014.
                                                          The  Best  Book  Award  (Heritage  Category)  by
             SCOPUS ID                                    Yayasan Pembangunan Buku Negara 2019.
                                                          Excellent Award in Service (APC) 2017.

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