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                                                                                                BACHELOR OF SPORTS MANAGEMENT SCIENCE  2020/2021 ACADEMIC SESSION

      NO.          CODE & TITLE (NO. OF CREDITS)                                    SYNOPSIS                                 LEVEL OF REQUIRED PROFICIENCY

                                                             This course is designed to improve students’ English      CEFR B1
                                                             Language proficiency in terms of grammatical accuracy and
            GLT1005: Mastering English IV                    language skills at the pre-intermediate level. Students will be      MUET BAND 3
            3 Credits                                        exposed to a variety of reading texts in order to improve their
       4.                                                    reading skills. Students will also be given ample speaking      IELTS Band 4.5 – 5.0
                                                             practice to develop their confidence in communicating and      TOEFL Paper – Based Test (477 – 510)
                  Offered  in Semester 1 & 2
                                                             interacting with others in a multitude of situations. The course      TOEFL Computer – Based Test (153 – 180)
                                                             will also improve students’ basic skills in writing sentences and      TOEFL Internet – Based Test (53 – 64)
                                                             paragraphs.                                                   PTE (Academic) – (29 - 41)

            GLT1006: Mastering English V                     This course is designed to improve students’ English
            3 Credits                                        Language proficiency in terms of grammatical accuracy and
                                                             language skills at the intermediate level. Students will be   CEFR B1+/ Low B2
       5.         Offered Only in Semester 2                exposed to a variety of reading texts in order to improve their
                                                             reading skills. Students will also be given ample speaking
                  Prerequisite: Students must pass GLT1005   practice to develop their confidence in communicating and       Pass GLT1005 with grade C
                   (Mastering English IV) with grade C       interacting with others in a multitude of situations. The course
                                                             improves students’ skills in writing paragraphs and essays.

            GLT1007: Essential Writing Skills
            3 Credits                                        This course introduces the process of paragraph development
                                                             and the generation of ideas in order to write within a variety of   CEFR B1+/ Low B2
       6.         Offered  in Semester 1 & 2                rhetorical patterns. It focuses on accurate and organised
                                                             structures in writing. The course helps students to understand
                  Prerequisite: Students must pass GLT1005   the relationship between paragraphs in an essay.                Pass GLT1005 with grade C
                   (Mastering English IV) with grade C
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